Friday 21 July 2017

Welcome Back Mr.Sun

Mr Sun showed his beautiful self today! Woo Hoo, I've sure missed him.

My Good Deed of the day today was for the big boss at the office today, Mr BL.
It also happened to be his birthday today so it was fitting that he should get a little treat!

Look at that loveliness shining in through the window.
Sunshine sure is a lifter of spirits.

Picked up these berries because they looked so red & ripe and I ate the whole thing for a snack this morning at work.

Lunch was left over pizza that My Honey had made.
Too bad I had the last few pieces because it is just so good.
I hope he makes more again soon.

The professor was pretty comfy on the couch when I got home from work.
The angle I took this picture from makes it look like he is laying straight up but really he isn't, I took it looking down at him.
I think the illusion it created is pretty awesome though.

Supper was a turkey sandwich, pickled beans, dill pickles and a chaos cookie.

Professor needed some snuggles too - I think he is lonely throughout the day now that the house is empty all day with mom being in PEI and Max staying at my brothers.

This is me HAPPILY waiting for my appointment.

Massage time!
The therapist wasn't feeling well so we had to cut it short and I kind of felt a little guilty the whole time so it wasn't as enjoyable as usual.
I offered to reschedule but she is super busy so she soldiered through.

When I got home I took the lights down off the gazebo.
Next step will be to take the structure down and haul it away to the dump.
I want to get some measurements from it first though.

I worked on my flowers a bit too, deadheading and removing broken limbs.
They are coming around.

This one I had tucked under the table and kind of forgotten about which turned out to be a good thing because it is fairing better than all the others.

My Honey was late getting home tonight so we stayed up a little later than we should have chatting.
I know I will be super tired come morning but it is worth it.

We did hit the hay eventually though and it sure felt good.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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