Friday 7 July 2017

Snuggle Time

It was another beautiful day today - my goodness, I sure love nice weather!

I didn't walk down to work so I decided to go for a little walk to the end of the driveway and back.

It felt good to get out into that sunshine.

I didn't know what I wanted for lunch so I picked up some lime tortilla chips and some taco dip.
It was a pretty good lunch actually.

All the girls were out of the office this afternoon so I was sitting out front working.
It was so nice that I had the front doors open and wouldn't you know it, a little birdie flew in.

There he is - looking for the way out.
JRA & CO said that I had just signed his death sentence because he would never find his way out.
I felt just awful about it - thought about it all night.

I had to leave a note for the cleaning lady too and tell her not to turn on the alarm tonight because as soon as he flew anywhere it would set it off.

Tonight was very low key - I did a little work in the back yard, tried to catch up on some blogging/journaling
I say tried to because someone was looking for snuggles.

He was laying on the keyboard which made it very difficult to type.

So I stopped what I was doing to cuddle with him for awhile.
Had to send My Honey a picture of it too just to rub it in a little, ha ha!

When My Honey was on his way home I met him down at the store.
I am still feeling somewhat like "what's the point" after this weeks weigh and I wanted treats.
So I got one!

Maple flavored cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing.
I warmed it up a little and then I completely indulged - and I enjoyed every bite.

We had gone to the store to pick up something for supper but nothing was really appealing so we ordered donairs.
It was good supper and if it wasn't for the sweet donair sauce I added it probably would have been quite healthy.

It was a good relaxing day - I needed it!

Now on to another memory that popped up from NYC.

This was in 2014.
I just bought a mocha and then got into an altercation with the Subway doors.
I was trying to open them but they were stronger than me and closed on my coffee.
This was the first time I ever wore this nice white shirt (and it was also the last as I never was able to get the stain completely out).

It is so me - as soon as I put something white on - I spill on it almost immediately.
It doesn't really happen with any other color that I wear so I don't know if it's one of those situations where I obsess over it so much that I make it happen or if it's just coincidence?
Either way it hasn't stopped me from still wearing white.  I'm such a rebel (not)!

Well that's it from today, until next time, be happy!

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