Tuesday 18 July 2017

Weigh in Day of Reckoning

Today was weigh in day and I knew it wasn't going to be pretty.
Just as I expected, I am up.
252.8 lbs
That is 5.6 lbs up to be exact.
WOW - why do I keep doing this?
I keep telling myself that if I really want to lose weight (which I do) then I will do whatever it takes.
If I don't, then I just must not want it bad enough.
It consumes my mind a lot of the time and I just don't want it to anymore but it does.
Most definitely a work in progress.

I believe though that like anything else, if I just keep trying, eventually I will succeed.
I just need to keep trying.

For my good deed today - I picked up this goalie pen which I thought was cute and gave it to one of the fellows here in the office that is a huge hockey fan, Mr CO.
Hope it made him smile.

I had a very low point meal for lunch.
A wrap with spinach, veggies, apples and pickled beans.

Snacked on some radishes this afternoon at work.
They were the spiciest radishes I have ever tasted, I couldn't finish eating them.
That's ok though - leaves me some to munch on tomorrow.

Had an orange sitting on my desk for the last couple weeks too so I finally decided to eat it.
I was expecting it to be dried out but aside from the giant seeds in it, it was quite tasty and juicy.

Supper was an easy one tonight, cup-a-soup and

It was pretty good too.

When My Honey got home (he was out fixing his truck) he got to work on making pizza.

He fired up his oven for the first time.
He wasn't able to lift it on to the stand - we'll need to get someone to come over and help out with that - but that didn't stop him.

He just got it fired up right on the ground.

First pizza ever to be cooked in his new oven is ready to go in.

He's so proud (as he should be).

First pizza is done, took less than 2 minutes to cook.

I had to be the taste tester - I know, it's quite the burden to have to bear - but I did it and I can report that it was super delicious.
In fact, I ended up eating 4 slices before going to bed.
I know,that seems like a lot but they are super thin crust (yup, that's my story and I'm sticking to it)

That's it for today - until next time, be happy!

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