Tuesday 25 May 2021

Weigh In Day - Two Ups in a Row (May 24, 2021)

 Weigh In Day.

As I kind of suspected, I ended up with a gain.
184.8 lbs today.

That's up 1 lb from last weigh in.

That by itself wouldn't be so bad but this is the first time that I've had gains two weeks in a row which is concerning.

I have been really slacking on tracking my food the last couple of weeks and over indulging a bit too much, not really on anything bad, just eating more than I should be.

I'm putting an end to that today though - I still have a ways to go on this weight loss journey and I'm determined to be successful this time.

I know that it can be such a slippery slope and I don't want to slide backwards and undo all that I've worked so hard for.
I just will not allow that to happen - I got this!
Even though today is a stat, I worked so that I could take Thursday off instead.

Then I also took a vacation day on Friday so I'll have a nice long weekend coming up.

I went down to my actual office first thing.
I had some things I needed to print off and I wanted to pick up any work that might be on my desk for me.

I noticed how much my grey roots are growing in.
I sure hope they open the hair salons back up soon.
I could do a box dye myself but I hate to cover up those streaks I got put in last time.

I worked at the office all morning and planned on running at lunch time but it was raining so I just worked through lunch and headed out a bit later in the afternoon when the rain had reduced to just a slight sprinkle.

I don't know if it was my shoes or the headwind but my run felt very hard today.
I normally get a bit of a second wind near the end and feel like I can finish strong but not today, I had to push myself just to finish at all.

I did it though and I felt so good when it was done!

This totally is how folks in PEI refer to the different areas of the Island.
My mom's family is from 'Up West', it's an expression I've heard all my life so this map made me smile.

Kody dropped by this afternoon for a quick visit with Freya.
She really wanted to spend the night but Jason and I are both working tomorrow so I told her she could stay the next night.
She doesn't really understand that though so she was upset - I hate seeing her upset, it just tugs at my heart strings so much.
I just want to give her whatever she wants but I know that isn't good to do.
So she'll be ok, she was probably over it in minutes and she can come stay tomorrow night.

I cooked up a feed of fiddleheads for supper.
My brother picked them up in WCT and dropped them off which was so thoughtful of him.
I love them and try to have a few feeds of them every year when they are out.

I made roasted cauliflower to go with it - I cooked it in the oven with panko breadcrumbs and spices.
It turned out really good.
Then I made veggie based Italian sausage with peppers and onions.
It was all delicious.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

Monday 24 May 2021

Happy Birthday Hunter (May 23, 2021)

It was another nice day out there today - unusual for the May long weekend but I'll take it!


After my coffee, I got ready to head out for a run.

Took some selfies first.

My new caps with the ponytail holes came in so I tested one out today.
It not only helped to keep the sun out of my eyes but it kept the sweat out too.

I did my regular 8 k route.

So far, my splits aren't really improving any - not going to worry about it though.
I'm still going way faster than if I was at home sitting on the couch!

Did my hair again, WHAT%$!@
That's three times in one week - it might be a record.

So of course, that called for some selfies to be taken.

Back view.

Today is Hunter's birthday and they were out camping so invited us to come visit and have cake.

I stopped for snacks and picked up some shaved honey ham for Hunter because he loves it so much.
He was pretty stoked and starting chowing down on it right away, right out of the package.

It was a lovely day out there, perfect for spending outside.

We sat around and visited.
I ate - luckily I had brought healthy snacks along with me.
I had cherries, blueberries, boom chicka pop and diet ginger ale.
I didn't just stick to that though unfortunately.

I remembered that I had trail mix in the car and I broke into that even though I'd promised myself that I was going to stay away from it.
I also had a burger (I did skip the bun) and a piece of cake.

I'm pretty sure it's going to not be good for my weigh in.
I've been slacking lately on the WW front.

I had a few days last week and a few days this week where I didn't track my points.
I didn't go crazy or anything but I need to reign that in.
Things could go sideways really quickly if I let them.

I have been doing really well with exercise though so kudos to me for that.

Rob came out to join us then Kody, Freya and Haylee showed up right behind him.

Just having snacks.

Grandma and her girl.

Adrien said he's been feeding the birds in the mornings and they just come right over and eat out of his hand so Kody gave it a try.

She saw Daddy do it so she had to try it too.

Attempting to feed the birdies.

She climbed up on Hunter's little trike - it used to Mel's when she was little so it's been around for a long time.

Mel got the helmet on her to take her for a ride.

It was a bit big on her though so Mel got Hunter's bike helmet for her instead.

He picked it out because it reminded him of Godzilla who he happens to be enthralled with at the moment.

Off for a spin on the trike.

Back we come.

Hunter happened to have a few friends staying at the same campground so he spent most of the day playing with them.
He did come back and visit for a few minutes here and there though.

For some reason he decided to sit on the other side of the road to eat his supper.
Silly boy.

Time for cake.

Happy Birthday Hunter!

Watching Hunter blow out all his candles.

Alivia and mom.

Cake time.

Hunter stuck around long enough to eat some cake then he was off again.

Took Freya for a walk around the little campground.

She's getting so grown up.

Alivia came with us.

Back to trying to feed the birds again.
They really like hot dogs of all things!

Still trying to feed the birds.

Patience required.

Which hand birdies?


As soon as Papa arrives, guess where Freya wants to be?

Kody still waiting patiently.

Still waiting.

His patience was rewarded!

We hung out at the campground until close to 9 pm.
Went for a few more walks.
Jason brought some Tres Leches and I had a slice of it - yummy!

When the mosquitos started to come out and the evening chill started to set in, we called it a night.
We told Freya she could spend the night.
Kody was going to drop her off but she fell asleep almost immediately when they got in the car so he just took her home.

All that fresh air made me tired so we called it a night not long after we got home.

Tomorrow is a holiday but I'm going to work so I'll appreciate the early night when my alarm goes off in the morning.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

All About Freya Day (May 22, 2021)

Miss Freya wanted spicy noodles for breakfast.

And at Grandma's house, what Freya wants, Freya gets (for the most part).

So noodles for breakfast it was.

After breakfast, we made a birthday message to send to Papa.

Happy Birthday Papa take two.

He was able to video chat with us for a few minutes.

Freya found this zombie filter and she just loved it.
She's all about zombies, ghosts, monsters, vampires - you know, scary stuff.
She DOES NOT get that from her grandma I can assure you.

After the call, it was bath time.

She actually let me wash,  brush AND put little buns in her hair.

It looks so dang cute.

She even left them in, I couldn't believe it.

Jason made Tres Leches for the bbq tomorrow.
I can't wait to have a slice of it.

Freya and I went for a walk and stopped in at the park to play.

Just hanging out!

I think she likes sitting at the top of the slide more than she actually likes sliding down it.

There she goes finally.

Look - the little buns I put in her hair are still there.

Next stop, dinosaur ride.

She wanted me to get on too so I did.
This is not something I ever could have done when I was 90 lbs heavier.

Then we played on the See Saw.

Up and Down.

She spent more time up than down but I am substantially bigger than her.

We played for a bit longer then walked to the store where she got a cookie.
We went for a walk around so I could get some steps in.
We were going to stop by and visit mom & dad but they weren't home.

Turns out, they were driving around looking for us.
We ran into them near the park.
They were getting ready to go camping for the night so they took Freya with them.

I continued on alone and went for a nice long walk.

The kids stopped by to borrow a cooler before they headed to their campsite and Freya decided to climb our tree while she was there.
It's not a very good tree for climbing but perfect for a little one.

My knees were bothering me a bit so I decided to take a break from running today and go for a bike ride instead.
As you can see from the GPS image, I zig zagged all over town.
I think I hit every single street in town.
I ended up with a 21 k ride by the end of it and it was really enjoyable.

My Uncle put my grandmother's house up on the market for sale today which is so sad.
I wish I had the money to buy it.

I grabbed these pictures from the real estate website since it's likely that I won't ever have the chance to step foot in it again.

So many good times have been had here - so many card games played at this table.

This is the living room.

The front porch.

The bathroom.

The old, steep stairs.

One of the upstairs bedrooms.
If I had the money, I would totally buy it - thinking about someone else living there or even tearing it down to make way for something else makes me so sad.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!