Friday, 17 May 2024

West Edmonton Mall for the Day (May 11, 2024)

Jason got up early and was getting ready to head out for a run.

He checked outside and said it looked like it was overcast then as soon as he got outside he texted me and told me it was actually smoke.

Freya was hungry so I took her down to the restaurant in the hotel for breakfast and as soon as we walked in the hallway all you could smell was smoke.

There are fires burning near Fort McMurray - it must be coming from that.

Breakfast was a buffet and all Freya really wanted was some fruit, a piece of chocolate cake and a TON of bacon.

She must take after her Grandma for that - I do love me some bacon.

Jason met us there and she was making all kinds of faces for him.

After we ate, we checked out and then Freya wanted to go for 

It didn't open until noon which was an hour away so we decided to walk down there and just take our time.

Well some of us walked - others caught a ride.

Look how smoky it was out there today, you could barely see the buildings.

That's Rexall place and I think if we were a little further away it would just be enveloped in smoke.

It's kind of a bummer because I think otherwise it would have been a gorgeous day out there.

Spring has sprung!
So pretty it almost doesn't look real.

We stopped for coffees at Timmies - Freya waiting for our order.

Jason got this sweet little picture of Freya - I love it.

We found these structures which I think might be a bike rack but for a kid it just looks like lots of fun.

She wanted to crawl through them - Jason took pictures of her from one side.

and I took some from the other end.

There she comes.

That was fun.

Then she went back but this time she climbed over them instead of through them.

They were a little high for her.

But she made it and without any help.

There is just so much to do everywhere you go.

We were walking around the university area and came across this memorial statue.

It's a little bear and so cute.

I noticed that the little green space that it is in is all over grown for some reason while all the other green spaces around it are well maintained.
I wonder why?

Jason and Freya got lots of running around in  - they were going up and down these stairs.

They have way more energy than I do, that's for sure.

Run run run!

Coordinated step jumping - it's a new thing.

They practiced a few times.

Finally it was time for ramen - she is a little ramen fiend.

We went to Hu's Noodle Nook and when we go there I always get their Tan Tan - it is so delicious.

Walking back to the car after lunch she found this ball that she just had to climb up on.

If at first you don't succeed....

She conquered it!

Now she's a pro.

Doesn't take much for her to be entertained and have fun.

We asked her what she wanted to do for the rest of the day and she chose to go back to the mall so off we went.

I scraped my toe at the pool last night and rubbed off some of the polish so I went back to the nail salon to get it fixed and Jason took Freya to Galaxy Land.
He was going to keep her occupied there while I did some shopping - I'm looking for a new laptop bag for my new computer.

He kept sending me pictures of what they were up to and the first thing the did was rock climbing.
Getting suited up.

Getting the instructions.

Off she goes.

She's a little pro.

She made it to the top on her first try.

A game of Hungry Hippo.

Next up - bumper cars.

She wasn't really interested in bumping into the other riders, she just wanted to drive the car around.

Bumper cars - Galaxy Land, West Edmonton Mall.

This was about when I met back up with them.

Stopped for a snack from Sugar.

Sugar is kicking in.
Remember when spinning around and making yourself dizzy was just the funest thing ever?

She wanted to ride one of the animal things again.

She picked the rhino today.

Touring the mall on a rhino.

Whoops, maybe that wasn't such a great idea.

She then wanted to go on the trampoline.

Trampoline jumping time lapse.

Before we left the mall she wanted to go on the virtual reality ride one more time with Papa.

She picked the dinosaur one this time.

After our day at the mall - we made a stop at Walmart for a few necessities then it was back home we went.
It was 9 pm when we got back to town.
We dropped some ramen off to Kody and Haylee and we were going to drop Freya home too but she wanted to have a sleep over again so we let her.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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