Tuesday 14 May 2024

Awesome Weigh In (May 6, 2024)

Today was weigh in day.

I followed plan all week, didn't go over and so I was excited to weigh in this morning (plus I've been weighing in every morning so I had a pretty good idea what to expect). 

I was 214.2 lbs.

That's down 7.2 lbs since last week and that felt pretty good!

Haylee signed Freya up for t-ball and she had her first game tonight.

After work I had a nice long bath then I decided to give this hair curler thing another try.
I tried it a few times and it never really worked except one time - and that one time, it worked really well.
So I'll leave it in for the night and then I guess we'll see.

I saw these on line and thought they would be cute to try to make.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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