Sunday 12 May 2024

Alarming Weigh In (Apr.30, 2024)

Today was weigh in day and I expected it to be bad.

It was, even worse than I thought.


I was 221.9 lbs and I was so disappointed in myself.

That's up 6 lbs since last weigh in.
I keep creeping up and up and up and I just have to put a stop to it.
If I'm not careful, before I know it I'm going to be back to where I was a few years ago and I do NOT want to let that happen.

Something else disappointing happened today, we woke up to a Winter Wonderland.

We got A LOT of snow.

There was so much snow that the kids were back to wearing snow pants, hats and mittens.
This is Zepplyn out enjoying the white stuff.

They were also able to build snowman - it was the perfect snow for that.
This is Hunter and a couple of other kiddos at his school.

We stopped by to have a visit with Haylee and Eden tonight when we took Freya home.
Eden is such a content, happy baby, always smiling.

I was back on track with Weight Watchers today but I haven't gotten back on track with getting my 14,000 steps in daily.
Baby steps.
Getting the food part under control is the most important part of losing weight so I want to really focus on that.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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