Friday 17 May 2024

A Baboon's A$$ (May 12, 2024)

When we got up this morning, Freya wanted to give me a manicure and at first I told her she could but then I remembered that I just go my nails done so instead she decided to give me a face mask.


Holy Heck - I look kind of creepy.

Then she wanted to do my make up - I told her not a lot but that escalated quickly.

The lipstick that she put all around my mouth and on my nose was so difficult to get off.

Kody came over around noon to pick her up and I spent the day doing some cleaning and I also went out for a walk.

I wanted to do something for Mother's Day but I wasn't really prepared to cook for everyone so I made plans with everyone to meet at Swan Palace for supper instead.

Everyone was able to make it which was awesome.

There were so many of us that we couldn't all fit at the same table together.

So I sat at a table with Haylee, Crystal and Randy came to (he just wasn't there yet when I took the picture.)

Haylee was giving Eden some soup and she was loving it.

When we got back home Freya wanted to do my makeup again.

Jason was out doing some work in the yard and he came in and saw me and said OMG - looks like a baboon's ass (he wasn't wrong) 

Freya just thought that was hysterical.
I love how she tries to say Baboon's Ass.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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