Sunday 12 May 2024

Pool Fun then Regina and Ginger Garlic (Apr.26, 2024)

We woke up to a nice day in Lloydminster so we got ready and headed out for a little walk just to kind of pass some time until the pool opened.

Sunshine is the best!

Papa pretty much carried Freya the whole time but she got some fresh air so that's good.

The hotel we stayed at had a pretty cool pool that opened at 9 so as soon as it opened, we were there.

Fearless little swimmer.

She's always loved swimming and when she was little she used to want us to just let her go.
She'd say " I can do it, I can do it" in her little voice so we'd let her go and she'd sink like a rock then pop back up and go 'See' as if we didn't have to pull her up but she was this skilled swimmer or something.
It was so cute.

She's come so far since then.

There was this awesome slide at the pool.

It had a couple loop de loops in it.

So many that I couldn't get it all in one picture but I tried.

It looked kind of scary to be honest.

This is where it exited into the pool.
Freya wanted to go down it so Jason tried it first and he said it would be ok for her.

So off she went and she loved it.

She wanted me to go down it with her so I did a couple of times - it was pretty fun.

The maintenance guy from the hotel and turned on the water on the water slide for us then he came back and gave Freya this beach ball to play with that someone had left behind at the pool.

She took it down the slide with her.

Fun slide

It was a big pool and we had it all to ourselves.

Underwater somersault

She was trying to climb up on a flutter board while Jason held it so she could jump off.

We headed back to the room after an hour or so of swimming so we could pack up and check out then we hit the road for Regina.
We still had another 5 hour drive ahead of us.
We stopped in at Walmart to get some road snacks and I found a Starbucks and got myself an Iced Lavender Oat Milk Matcha Tea Latte for the road - my new favorite.

Enjoying road trip snacks.
She was making faces at Papa.

We had to make a stop for gas in Chamberlain, Saskatchewan.

So we got out and had a bit of a stretch.

There was a basketball court by the gas station with this note on the ground by it.

So Jason and Freya played a bit.

They ran around and burned off some energy.
Then it was back on the road.

When we got to Regina the weather was so nice.
We saw all kinds of people out and about wearing shorts and t-shirts - woo hoo.

We had a bit of a hard time finding our VRBO but eventually we did find it.
We unpacked all of our stuff into the house then we found somewhere to go for supper.

We picked a Nepalese place - Ginger Garlic.

There was a bit of a wait so we went across the street to a grassy area and let Freya run around a bit - poor thing was cooped up in a car most of the day.

The restaurant was just hopping which I guess is a good sign.

They brought these out deep fried potato slices with some kind of tamarind sauce for the table.
They were good.

We ordered some of their naan bread - yummo.
It was thin but good.

Then we got these which are a best seller for them
Chicken Mo. Mo. (dumplings) steamed food         10.50
  • Chicken breast, cabbage, onion, ginger, garlic, butter, white flour, cilantro, mixed spices.
Then Jason got the Lamb Curry and I had the Coconut Chicken.
We had it with rice and we ordered noodles for Freya (she didn't eat any of them).
The food was good - we had tons of leftovers.

When we got back to the house, Jason took Freya for a walk to the park which we were right next too.
It's very pretty, can't wait to see it in the day time.
I drove down and picked them up then we just chilled in the house for the rest of the evening.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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