Sunday 2 February 2020

Meeting Co-Workers, Finally! (Jan.15, 2020)

The hotel had a free breakfast and they put on quite the spread.

I'm not normally crazy for sausage but they had this chicken sausage I figured I'd try.
It was fabulous.

The whole floor seems to be the restaurant area, there is plenty of seating and it's a really nice space.

I have the same view as I do from my room here, the Calgary Tower.

After I ate, I got ready, bundled up and headed to work.
I booked a hotel office and worked there for a bit before our meetings started.
I finally got to meet in person some of the folks I've been working with for the last 3 to 4 years so that was really nice.

It's weird too at the same time, I knew their voices because we have so many Webex meetings and over time, you imagine they look a certain way.
It's almost hard to reconcile what they actually look like when you meet them, it almost seems wrong, like they are not the right person because they don't look how you imagine they did for all this time.

It was a all day meeting, we had lots to go over.
We went out to the food court for lunch.
JT took me a salad bowl place.
I think it was called Dirt Belly.
I went for the create your own version salad bowl, I also got a coconut ball for dessert.
It was good, I'd go there again.

Our meetings went right until 4 then I headed back to the hotel office to do some more work.
Payroll needs to be completed by noon on Friday so I'm working on it every chance I get.
I'm hoping I don't have to come in at all on Friday but I will if I have to.

The breakfast area is also a restaurant in the evening which I didn't realize.
I went there for supper tonight.
I had chicken lettuce wraps (they were just ok).

I also had a bowl of thai chicken soup.
It was good.

After supper, I headed to the gym to get the rest of my steps I needed.

Had a beautiful night time view of the Calgary tower from there too.

I had a bit of trouble with the treadmill again.
It suddenly shut off so I had to move over to another one so add about 10 minutes to this for my total work out time.

It was far too cold to go anywhere so I just went back to my room and watched tv while working on my blog.

My Honey finished up watching The Mandalorian.
I told him he didn't have to wait for me to watch it because he was enjoying it so much.
I'll catch up later.
Baby Yoda is too cute!!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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