Sunday 2 February 2020

Craft Room New Desk Project Begins (Jan. 25, 2020)

When we woke up this morning, we opened the door to let the kitties come in for cuddles but they didn't come.

So My Honey went looking for them and this is what he found.

The first thing I did when I got up this morning was to get in to my craft room and finish clearing it out.
We are going to work on getting my new desk installed today and I wanted to be ready to go.

I cleared out the closet to make a space to move the filing cabinet.

It fit in there pretty well.

My Honey and I moved the desk that is in there now downstairs.
All the other stuff I needed to move, I put in My Honey's office.

It's looking pretty crowded in there now.
Hopefully we'll finish up today and I'll be able to move it all back out.

We are all ready to get this thing going!

My Honey had to build a couple of shelves for storage and support, so while he was doing that, I worked on blog catch up.
I am so far behind!

I had some cottage cheese, cocktail fruit and grapes for a snack.

I also went down and got on the treadmill to get to my 10,000 steps.

It took a while but I got it done.

I watched 'The Mandalorian' while I walked.
It's pretty good.

My Honey came down for a visit and I grilled him on what was going to happen on the show.
I sometimes like spoilers so I can be prepared - weird, I know.

When He got them both done, I put a coat of paint on them.
The paint will need to dry so it looks like my desk won't be done tonight.

That's ok though, I'm just happy that we are working on it.

It was close to 9 when I finished painting the shelves.

We hadn't had any supper so I just warmed up some left overs and had that with some hummus and rice crackers.

My niece, Miss A, went to her friend's for sleep over tonight.

Looks like they were having a tea party.

My sister and her kitty.
I posted this before but I think it's a nice picture of her.

We watched a bit of tv before calling it a night.

Here's hoping we get the room finished tomorrow!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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