Tuesday 4 February 2020

New Desk In The Works (Jan.26, 2020)

We slept in this morning then when we got up, we had coffee and breakfast before starting in on the craft room.

We set everything up to see how it looked.

I'm happy with how it looks.
Then it was finally time to screw the desk into place.

My Honey officially took the wrapper off of the wood - we are all ready to go!

After we did that, we headed down to the office.
There is a shelf there that is not being used so I asked my boss if I could buy it.

He agreed so My Honey and I went down to pick it up.
I want to hang it up on the wall as extra storage.

It ended up being super heavy so we had to make sure to give it lots of support which My Honey did.

He sanded back the growth chart I made, I decided that I want to start over.

I gave it a fresh coat of paint.
I'll have to leave it dry and tomorrow I'll put a coat on the other side.
I also gave a coat of paint to a little shelf My Honey made me to go above my desk and just under the window.

I decided that I want to give my desk a clear coat and I have to pick some up at the store which is closed today so looks like I won't be finishing my desk today.

Everything ends up taking longer than you think but it's in progress so I'm ok with that.
I am really looking forward to setting it all up and working in there.

It's a much better use of space than the large desk I had in there was.
I'll be able to leave my sewing machine and my cricut out which means easier access and more of a probability of me using them!

We wanted to go over and visit Baby F earlier but she was napping so they texted to say she was up and we headed over.
We stopped and picked up some oranges for her on the way.

She loves oranges.
She wanted one when we got there so we cut it up for her.

Miss H is going for her drivers test next week so she and my son went out to do some practice driving and My Honey and I stayed and hung out with Baby F.

They played in the tent with all of her stuffies.

He's always game for whatever she wants.

Then she just hung out on My Honey's lap for a bit and watched Peppa Pig.

So sweet!

My Honey taught her how to hold his little Thor hammer that he has up in the air like Thor.

She caught on pretty quickly.

She kept doing it and it was cracking us up.

When the kids got home and it was time for Baby F to have a bath, we headed home.

She gave me the look!

She just loves the bath so as soon as her mom mentions it, she heads to the bathroom.

When we got home, I went down to get on the treadmill to get the rest of my 10,000 steps.

I had company while I walked.

I watched some more of The Mandalorian and My Honey made supper.
He made pizza and it was really good.

The paint on the little shelf My Honey made me was dry enough for him to put it up.
It's really coming along, I am so excited.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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