Sunday 2 February 2020

Weigh In Day (Jan.20, 2020)

Well, it was back to work today.
Woo Hoo!

I weighed in first thing when I got there.
I'm down a little so that's great - I was doing really well with my eating all last week but over the weekend here I wasn't very careful.
I didn't go completely crazy and totally over indulge but I could have made a few wiser choices.

Work was busy, it always is when I get back from being away.
I had emails to catch up on and it kept me good and busy all day - I really prefer to be busy.

I went home for lunch and cooked up some broccoli and some left over chicken.
I watched last night's episode of Sister Wives then headed back to the office.

After work, I got busy right away cooking up some supper.
I had ground turkey so I cooked it up and added garlic, onions and tomatoes.
I also made sweet potato fries and brussel sprouts.

Just as I was finishing up, my son called to see if I could watch Baby F while they went to the store.
So I headed down there.

Lately when I get there and ask her to come give Grandma a hug, she comes right over.

She was entertained by my necklace for a while.

And by entertained, I mean she was chewing on it.

Then my phone caught her attention.

She loves pressing the button on the screen.

She found some socks and she was very determined to put them on herself.

I tried to help but she was having none of it.

Putting socks on is a tough job.

She needed a break.

She's starting to say a few words like ball, baby and even umbrella (her attempt at it anyway).
She was also meowing like a cat - it's the first time I've heard her do that.

I got out my chapstick because my lips were dry and she wanted some too.
So I let her have it and at first it went on her lips, then her cheeks, her neck, her hair, really anywhere she could think of.

She was sucking on it and then she stuck her finger in and was digging it out and putting it on my phone and my pants.

She even tried to put some on Louie.
Ha ha.
It was very entertaining to me so I just let her.
It was clear in color so no big mess.

I was happy that I got to see her for a bit but had to head home when the kids got back so I could eat and head to curling.

She was into a show by then and wouldn't even have noticed my leaving if I hadn't said good-bye.
Note the hat - she got it out and got me to put it on her.
I'm surprised she loves it so much.
It sure looks cute on her.

When I got home, DM was there visiting mom.
I hadn't seen her in a bit, it would have been nice to catch up but I basically wolfed down my supper and headed to the curling rink.

I was feeling sore after all that curling on Saturday so I thought I would still be sore today but I wasn't.  I was a bit tired though.
We played a really good game, big points on the ends.
We had 11 points by the 5th end.
We played back the 6th end and they ended up getting 2 points but they called it which didn't hurt my feelings any.

When I got in the truck to go home, it was 4 degrees.
Wow, what a fluctuation - it went from -40 last week to +4 today.
I definitely prefer the + side of things.

My Honey was cooking up some ground beef when I got home, he wasn't expecting me to have any supper made.

While he cooked, I worked on blogging a bit and downloaded a few new songs that I saw on You Tube last week while I was working out at the hotel gym.

Wonderful advice!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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