Sunday 2 February 2020

Ladies Bonspiel (Jan.18, 2020)

The ladies bonspiel started last night.
My team found someone to curl in my place but I was there today for our 10 am game.

I'm so glad that we don't have the 7 am games anymore.
10 am wasn't so bad.

It warmed up considerably today so it was nice inside the rink.

The theme of the bonspiel was NHL so lots of teams were wearing their hockey jerseys.

We played really well our first game
It was a tight one and it went right to the end but we pulled out a win.

When I went upstairs. I was really touched to see someone had this sign made.
Hard to believe both of these ladies were with us last year at the Bonspiel and nobody had an inkling that neither of then would be with us one short year later.
Very sobering and a reminder to never take anything for granted.

We had another game at 2:30 that we ended up losing but we still had enough points to make it to the 'B' final which was scheduled for after supper, 7 pm.

Supper was delicious.
Roast beef, veggies, salad and perogies.
Desert was apple crisp or chocolate cake - I had a bit of both.

We lost our last game which means we came second in the B but we gave it a good try.

After our last game, everyone was pretty much done but we all hung out to wait for the raffles to be drawn.

These ladies always do such a good job putting everything together - it's a lot of work and I for one appreciate it.

There was a plinko game that you bought tries for and whatever number it dropped into was how many tickets you got.
I had 5 drops and I got 35 tickets.

Just some of the ladies I've been curling with for the last few years.
They are really a great, fun bunch.

I did end up winning a prize, a herb growing kit.
Kind of neat.

No problem getting all my steps in today with 3 curling games!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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