Sunday 2 February 2020

Two Visits with My Sweetheart (Jan.19, 2020)

I woke up when My Honey left for work this morning but I was so tired that I decided to stay in bed a bit longer.
I ended up sleeping in until 10 am.
I could hardly believe it, it's been a long time since I slept in that late.
It felt good though.

When I got up, I made a coffee and got right back to reading my book that I started yesterday.
It took a couple hours but I ended up finishing it.

Then I figured it was time to get moving and get some stuff done.
I got laundry on the go and started cleaning.

My son called me to see if I'd be able to pick up diapers.
He'd accidentally taken Miss H's bank card with him to work so she had no way to get them.

So I picked them up and took them over and then I got to hang out with Baby F for a bit.

She's really fascinated by my Fitbit lately.

I took it off and gave it to her so she could try it on.

She brought her book right over to me so I could read it to her.
It has pictures all along the bottom of items that you need to look for and she's really good at finding them all.

She has a thing for glasses and is always taking mine and My Honey's glasses off and having us switch and wear each others or she tries to wear them.

She was running around with mine on today which kind of cracked me up, my eyesight is pretty bad so I can just imagine what it looks like to her looking through my lens.

It must just be a blur but she loves them.

She probably had to take them off so she could see where she was going.

She played in her tent for a bit.

She likes being in there with all of her stuffies.

She was climbing up over the arm of the couch onto my lap over and over.
She thought that was just great.

Selfie time.

Ha ha - her and her little looks.

I got her a bottle.

She wasn't much interested in it though.

She'd put it in her mouth for a second then take it right back out.

She was starting to get fussy so I left so they could have a nap.

I worked on more laundry when I got home, I also cleaned up my craft room and worked on getting pictures uploaded on the blog.

I also spent some time on the treadmill.

I'm still doing great at getting my 10,000+ steps per day.

Meanwhile, My Honey was cooking up a feast for the guys at work.

What a spread!

I didn't really feel like cooking anything and pretty much snacked on peanuts all day.
When My Honey got home, he needed to go to the store and wanted to drop by to visit Baby F so we did.
She was so happy to see him (she always is).

She ran and got this bag of balls first thing and got him to open it for her.

She definitely knows what she wants.

Here - Let's play with these!

She was 'hiding' them in her shirt and in My Honey's shirt - I don't know what got her started doing that but it's a thing now.

At first they kept falling out the bottom.

But then My Honey tucked her shirt in so she could fit more without losing any.

She led us to her room.

She likes getting up on the bed.

She thinks it's great to jump around on it.

She was having a grand old time.

My little sweetheart.

We visited for as long as possible then popped into the store just before it closed to get some cat food.
I also picked up a pizza and we cooked it up when we got home.
I was feeling like I needed some real food.
That meant we were up late cooking then eating.
It was good though.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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