Sunday 16 February 2020

Good Bye Sweet Lily (Feb.7, 2020)

I slept in a bit which was no surprise seeing how late I stayed up last night.
I went for breakfast before I hit the road.

They had chicken sausage - I had it last time I was here and it was really good.
I also had oatmeal too of course.

I took my time and enjoyed the view.

I love the feel of a city, the tall buildings.

The sun shining off all of the windows is pretty too.

I had parked the car in a parking lot up the street from the hotel and I hadn't been to it since I parked it but all was good.

I hit the road by 10 am, found a good station to listen to and enjoyed the ride.

I heard a few songs that were new to me that I quite enjoyed.

I think this is the girl from the show Nashville, have to google and check when I get home.
It sure sounds like her.

I stopped at Walmart in Airdrie and was there much longer than I thought I would be.
My Honey is meeting me in Edmonton and I was hoping to be there by noon but I think it's going to be closer to 3 by the time I get there.

I met My Honey at Homesense.
We shopped a bit then we went for some lunch.

We went to Kazoku Ramen.

My Honey got the spicy kind.

I had the black garlic which is my go to.
It was just as delicious as always.

After we ate, we went to the mall.
We were planning on going to a movie but I needed to get some steps in so we were just going to walk around the mall. 

The mall is actually a good place to walk around, there are some neat things to see, like this peacock for instance.

The pirate ship is pretty awesome too.

I've been wanting to get a new phone so when we walked by the Bell store, I decided to pop in there and have a look at the phones
I used to have a Samsung phone and I really liked it but when it cratered, I got myself a Google Pixle.
It's never really grown on me so I decided when my contract was up that I'd give myself another Samsung.
My contract just ended on Jan.16 so I figured today was as good a day as any to have a look.
It took forever!!!!
In the end, because I was in a hurry to get out of there, I decided on a phone that I wasn't really sure about.

The account for my current phone is in my brother's name because he got it for me like 15 years ago and I've just never changed it so even though my name is on the account to, he's the primary so he needs to be there to make big changes.
The only way to get around that was for me to just get a whole new account but that meant a new number so because I wanted to get out of there, I agreed thinking it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

As soon as I left, I immediately regretted it.
I realized that changing my number was going to be a whole lot more work than I wanted.
But whatever, I'll call Bell and deal with that next week.

When I was finally done at the phone store, we figured we'd go get some supper.

We picked Bubba Gumps, they have a shrimp mascot and he was out greeting folks.
Must be warm inside of that costume.

I had the shrimp bucket which was just grilled shrimp with seasoning on it.
I got half garlic and have creole.
They were good, a lot of work to peel though.

My Honey had a salad, it looked good.

He had a shrimp po boy too.

After we ate, we had some time to spare before the show started so we went to the casino in the mall and each threw in $20.
I lost my $20 but My Honey won about $150 so not a bad outcome.
The movie wasn't starting until after 10 pm and being the old biddy's that we are, we decided that we were too tired to go to a movie that wasn't going to be over until after midnight so we scratched it and just went to the hotel.

I was making fun of how pathetic we are, ha ha.

Miss H posted this cute picture of her and Baby F from today.

I saw this on Facebook today, I would love it if we could build one for Baby F.

Some sad news to report.
My in-laws dog Lily passed away today.
When they got up this morning, she was laying on her bed and couldn't get up at all.
They called the vet who came out for a house call and together they all made the decision that it was n Lily's best interest to let her go.
They gave her her favorite meal, chicken livers and then peacefully put her to sleep.

She was 12 years old so she had a long, happy life.
She was such a big friendly giant.

Always so happy to see us whenever we came.
It's so sad to let them go, but it is the unselfish thing to do.

She loved My Honey so much, he loved her too!

RIP Lily.
You will be missed sweet girl.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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