Wednesday 5 February 2020

Fitbit Upgrade and Ice Castles (Jan.29, 2020)

My niece dropped by the office early this morning to drop off her house keys to me.
She's heading to the city for her MIL's birthday, going to the ice castles, so I'm going to feed her puppies and let them out for pees today.

My fitbit band has been looking dirty lately so I decided it was time to change it up.

I got this package with a bunch of straps in it.
I'm on strap number 3 out of the bunch.

I decided to go with black this time.
I'm liking it.

My son headed to Slave Lake today to look at a vehicle that he found that he liked.
If I didn't update, his truck was stolen in December.
They found it about a week later on a lease not far outside of town but they'd stripped it and the insurance ended up writing it off.

So my son has been searching for a vehicle ever since.

This is the first one he's actually gone to look at so he must really be interested.

Work was busy, but that's ok, I like it that way.

I stopped to feed the puppy's and let them out on my way home for lunch.
I just had leftover soup for my lunch.

I stopped by my son's after work to watch Baby F so he and Miss H could go out to practice driving.
She has an appointment tomorrow to go for her drivers test - fingers crossed she gets her license!

They really like the vehicle they looked at today and they bought it!
My son has to go get the insurance set up tomorrow and then go back to Slave Lake to pick it up.

I told him I'd take him if he needed a ride.

While they were out driving, Baby F and I got to spend some quality time together.

She showed me all the animal sounds she knows.
I love it when she does the piggy noise.

We just hung out a bit and had snacks.

She showed me her happy face.

She showed me her angry face, ha ha!!

She checked out the window a couple of times for mom but she didn't cry for her or anything.

She loves my fitbit and always tries to get it off.

I let her have it to play with, hoped she'd get a few extra steps on there for me. 😉
Mostly she just chewed on it though.

The kitty was laying in the tent with all the stuffies. I didn't notice her at first because she just blended right in.

When I got home, I went straight to the treadmill.
I got all my steps in by 35 minutes but just stayed on to watch the rest of The Mandalorian.
It was really good, I hope they come out with another season.

Sweaty and happy!

I had hummus and rice crackers for supper, I didn't feel like cooking.

My niece and her honey at the ice castles today.

Aren't those icicles pretty?

It was her MIL's birthday today and this is how they celebrated - great idea!!!

One more from the ice castles, M & T!

That's about all for today, until next time, be happy!

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