Tuesday 11 February 2020

Calgary Bound (Feb.4, 2020)

I went to the office for a couple hours this morning before hitting the road.
I was expecting my computer to have been upgraded to Windows 10 through the night and I wanted to get all my programs loaded back up and working before I left.

It wasn't done though and when I looked at my email, I realized they are only doing it tonight.
So much for being prepared.

I worked anyway for a few hours then just after 10am, hit the road for Calgary.
I am attending a two day training course there for Power BI so will be there for the rest of the week.

I took a company truck so didn't have my Sirius radio to listen to but still found a few good stations with a few good tunes.

I think I already got this one but I'm going to check again.

I didn't like this one at first but it's grown on me, now I really like it a lot.

I've been hearing this song forever and I had no idea it was Demi Lovato - I didn't know that I knew some of her stuff.

I stopped in Red Deer for a bit of a break from driving and hit up my favorite place, Winners.
I was looking for a chair I saw there last time but it was gone.
I did find this cute comforter set I considered getting for Baby F.

I like the dancers on it but the colors don't really match her room.
I was on sale though so I was kind of torn.
I texted Miss H to see what she thought but didn't hear back so I left without it.

I heard from her an hour later and she did like it so I decided to stop at Homesense in Calgary to see if I could find it there.
I went to Cross Iron Mills and had a look.

I couldn't find the ballerina set but I did find this mermaid set which was also on sale.
The colors matched her room far better and she loves the Bubble Guppies so I thought it would be a hit (even though it's not the real Bubble Guppies, it is mermaids so close enough).

I decided to check out the food court while I was there to get some supper.
I hadn't eaten since I left this morning.

I chose Milestones.

I had the Korean Steak Sandwich.

The salad it came with was so good.
The sandwich was good too, I only ate half of it.

I also had the Arancini, it was the leek and edamame that won me over.

The order came with 5 but I only ate 3.

I also had a virgin Caesar which came with a dill pickle varnish and it was so yummy.

My dinner companion, ha ha.

After I ate, I headed into the city to the hotel.

Heard another good tune on the way.
It's only -2C here, much nicer than last time.

My room was on the 10th floor this time (I was on the 7th last time) but with the exact same view.
I pretty much had my 10,000 steps from walking around the mall but had to do a few laps around my hotel room to make it the rest of the way.

I chatted with My Honey for a bit to let him know I'd made it safely.
He was being attacked by licking monster.
For some reason, Paddington just loves licking My Honey's hat.
My Honey loves it though, who wouldn't?
Kitty kisses are the best.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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