Wednesday 5 February 2020

Quiet Friday (Jan.31, 2020)

It was a pretty quiet day at the office today.
All the other ladies took the day off so it was just myself and a few of the guys.

I weighed in for the weight loss competition.

I turned my tunes on and got to work - I got a lot done actually.
I was kind of in the mood for Subway and thought I could walk over there at lunch time and get one.

It's a little farther than I wanted to try to walk at lunch in the snow so instead and drove over and got one and came back to the office and ate it at my desk while I worked.

Ir's been a long time since I had a sub and it was really good.

Then after lunch, I did go for a walk to the road and back.
It was a bit chilly but very refreshing.
It's always nice to get out.

I made something I've never had for supper before, stuffed peppers.
I kind of followed a recipe but not really.

I had one and it turned out ok but I'm not sure it's something I'd be jumping to make again anytime soon.

I thought of going over to see Baby F but they had gone to Barrhead, Miss H is working this weekend and she always stays at her grandparents there when she works.

I had a nice, hot bubble bath and started a new book,

Then She Was Gone.
It was so good, I could hardly put it down.

When My Honey got home from work, he & I watched some Life in the Country before calling it a night.

I was able to get my 10,000 steps in today without having to get on the treadmill.
That's 1 whole month of 10,000 steps per day under my belt, only 11 more to go!

Ha ha, if I bought everything I liked at Hobby Lobby, this is what my receipt would look like!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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