Sunday 2 February 2020

Another Day Inside In Calgary (Jan.16, 2020)

Pretty good spread for breakfast again.
I was happy to find they had oatmeal and watermelon.

I was most thrilled about the bacon though, I looove bacon so I loaded up.
They had this cowboy casserole too that was hamburger, black beans pepper and spices and it was fabulous.

JT showed MM and I how to walk back to the hotel mainly through Calgary's Plus 15.
Mainly it's a bunch of walkways above the streets that allow you to get from building to building in Calgary without every having to go outside.

The hotel we were staying it isn't connected to the Plus 15 so I did have to walk in the cold briefly but only a block or two.

I bundled up really well for the cold but as soon as I got in here, I was melting.
They keep it nice and warm.

There are security guards all over the place inside, which is good.
You could come here in the evenings and walk for miles without having to worry about what the weather is like outside.

There are hallways but also restaurants, shops, coffee places, banks, barber shops.
Anything you might need but most of it is only open during the day time.

It's really nice.
Being here makes me think I'd like to work here but then I think of our nice little office and my own great office and I'm thankful for it.
It is nice to come to Calgary every now and then though and take it all in.

We had a meeting with the company that created and manages our contractor training portal and it was in their office so we all trudged down there together in the bitter cold.

They had a humongous meeting room with this gigantic table.
It was the biggest one I've ever seen.

They took us for a tour around the place, showed us some of the stuff they were working on.
Everything from video games to oilfield training to medical programs.
Very techy stuff.
They were very proud of the fact the folks they employed were artists and therefore should not be restricted or beholden to regular working hours.
Instead, they worked whatever hours they wanted, they are more focused on the end product so as long as they completed their projects on-time, that was all that mattered.

Some of our group headed back to the office but they had ordered lunch in for us so I felt like I should stay.
I wasn't sure what a mango sandwich was but gave it a try.
It was basically a chicken sandwich with some mango flavoring rubbed on the bread.
It had kind of and Indian curry taste to it.
It was ok, I only ate half of it because it was a huge sandwich.

We had more meetings back in our office this afternoon but some of them had to make a flight to Ft MacMurry tonight so we finished up at 3 pm.
That gave me plenty of time to get payroll done so that means I won't have to go back in in the morning which is awesome.
It was close to 5 when I headed back to the hotel.

I really wanted to go out and eat somewhere different tonight so that was my plan.
I walked over to the truck after work to make sure it was going to start seeing as I hadn't been able to plug it in and it was sitting in extreme cold for the past 2 days.

It started up no problem which was awesome!

I went back to the room and looked for a place to eat but couldn't really find anything that was enticing enough to get me out into the cold.

In the end, I just went to the restaurant in the hotel again.
I had Polenta with chicken, roasted tomatoes and zucchini.

I was surprised to see the tomato sauce on it when it came out, I wasn't expecting that and I don't normally like tomato sauce on my chicken but it was delicious.
I savored every bite!

After I ate, I headed to the gym to get in my steps.
I discovered yesterday that they give out free earbuds at the gym so I was able to watch music videos on Youtube.
I put it on a top 40 list and let it play and found a few new songs that I really liked and am going to get on Itunes when I get home.
I haven't watched videos in a very long time and I was kind of shocked to see how many of them verge on the border of being almost pornographic.
Does that mean I'm getting old?

I had my nice view of the Calgary Tower while I worked out - I love when city's light up their tall towers/ buildings with the colorful lights.

Took just under 25 minutes to get to my 10,000 steps.

Happy to have it done.

My workout stats.

I went back to the room after that and again watched tv and blogged.

My Honey sent me a picture of what he was doing.
This is Paddington's most favorite place to be, on My Honey's lap.

Of all the songs I discovered on YouTube tonight, this one was my favorite.

Bad Guy by Billie Eilish was really good too.

There wasn't really anything good to watch on tv but luckily they had a channel where you could log into your own Netflix account.
I watched a documentary on Betty White.
I had no idea about how she got her start and found it really interesting.

I also watched a couple of episodes of Norm MacDonald Has a Show.
I think Norm is hilarious.

I tried to watch this movie but after 10 minutes I just wasn't into it so I turned it off.
There was a Dr. Pimple Popper marathon on TLC which I ended up watching.
I normally don't like it and I definitely am not into the 'pops' where she pops or squeezes their growths and stuff comes out.
That is just so gross and I don't get how people like to see that, I had to turn my head.
I did like seeing the personal stories of the patients though, that's what kept me watching.

It was kind of fascinating and I couldn't stop watching, it was 1:30 am when I finally turned the tv off and went to sleep.

Going to miss my nice room and my great view but I'm also happy to be going home tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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