Thursday 6 February 2020

Whipped Cream Situation Has Escalated (Feb.2, 2020)

I got up early again this morning and decided I wanted to watch a movie.
I've been wanting to watch this one for a bit and it was the .99 cent rental on Apple TV this week so I went for it.
The Peanut Butter Falcon.
It was good, I did enjoy it.

I worked on my blog most of the morning.
I've been way behind since before Christmas and I really want to get caught up before we head out on our trip.

I had a burrito for breakfast and some of the filling for the stuffed peppers I made the other day, I had lots left over.

I also got a coat of paint put on the back of the growth chart.
Now it's back to a clean slate and ready for me to start over.

I was doing very poorly in the step department so I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
It took me over an hour to get over 10,000 steps but I watched the movie I started the other day and the time just flew by.

Brittany Runs a Marathon.

I was surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did.
It even had me crying.

It was inspirational and got me thinking about how I want to run a marathon myself before I turn 50.
I think I'm going to start watching more movies and documentaries about running, keep the inspiration coming!

I'm keeping up on my goals.

Got a month in of the 10,000 steps per day

Also have a shelf filled with books I've read.
I want to get back to adding to my goals book too, I think I've only got about 15 goals in there so far and I want 50.

My son was heading to Barrhead to pick up his girls so I invited them over for supper.
I asked if he would pick up pizza because I couldn't think of anything to cook.

So he did and he and Baby F came over.
Miss H was tired from working all day so she headed home for a bath.

I had leftover chicken and broccoli for my supper.
I'm trying to stay on track, so far, so good.

Everyone else had pizza though.

Baby F loves the hamburger on it so my son was picking it off for her.

She also loves her water.

Luckily they were late getting there so we were still eating when My Honey got home from work and he was able to join us.
Baby F was pretty happy to see him.

What the duck says!

After we ate, she got him to give the dolls a ride on the footstool.

Then she wanted a ride too.

She was giggling and giggling.

She thought it was great fun.

Hmmm, what next?

They went in his office and he found her a hat.

She was getting him to put it on the dolls.

Then it was onto glasses.

This is a pair of reading glasses we picked up for her that we just popped the lens out of.

They look cute on her.

She just loves running on the ledge by the fireplace.
She is careful though,

She runs over and leans in and giggles at mom then goes off to the other end.
Then repeats, back and forth.
It's quite the game for her.

She stood at the edge and considered jumping for a minute but then turned around and kind of crawled off backwards.

The whipped cream situation has escalated.

Then My Honey got out the whipped cream and she took it right from him.

She was sticking out her finger for mom to put whipped cream on it like My Honey does for her.

She's so dang cute, we can't resist her.

My Honey did try to distract her by bringing out the chalkboard.

It worked for a bit.

Not long though.

Soon enough though, she was just putting the whole thing right in her mouth.
She couldn't figure out how to get it to spray though.

So My Honey took pity on her and gave her some more.


When it was time go home, she was having none of it.
She backed herself onto My Honey's lap as if he could save her - it was so cute.

Inevitably, they had to go though so I bribed her with the can of whipped cream spray.
Let her take it home with her.
She was happy with that.

After they left, we cleaned up, did dishes and hit the hay.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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