Wednesday 5 February 2020

A New Driver & A New Car! (Jan.30, 2020)

It was an exciting day over here.

My son bought a new vehicle yesterday so he was heading to pick it up today.

Miss H had an appointment at noon to go for her Drivers License and spoiler alert, she passed!

My son had set up insurance through the company that he was with before but they were charging him and outrageous amount and they needed him to come to their office in person to set it up which is an hour away (in the opposite direction of where he needs to go pick up the vehicle which is also an hour away).

So I told him he should try a couple other places first.
He stopped by my office and tried my insurance company first.

It took forever to tell them all the information they wanted but when they finally got through it all, they quoted him a price that was $50.00 a month cheaper.

So he went with that for now but I'm still going to encourage him to shop around.

I offered to drive him to Slave Lake to pick up the vehicle but my brother was off so he took him.
Mom went with them for a drive.

Meanwhile, Miss H went for her driver's test and as I said earlier, she passed.
She's pretty stoked about it.

At lunch, I stopped by a local business that closing to pick up a shelf I'm buying from them.
I thought I'd have to leave it in the truck until My Honey got home to help me take it in but I was able to get it in all on my own!
After work, I dropped by to checkout the new ride.

It's pretty nice!

Kind of makes me want a new vehicle!
I'm so glad they have something that's they like, it's family friendly and it's reliable.

Miss Z was there visiting and she and Baby F were having a tea party.
She offered me some cake.
Baby F found a book to bring to me right away.

She loves when her shows she likes starts, the theme songs really catch her attention.

I think this the Bubble Guppies.

She loves this one!

I didn't stay long as NCT was dropping by for me to dye her hair.
I was able to scramble around the house and tidy it up a little bit before NCT got there.

Mom came up while I was doing her hair and we all chatted.

NCT's arm is really bothering her.
She said it's just from getting older but I think it's more serious, she even needed help to get her coat on.

After she left, I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
I had a lot of steps to get so I found something to watch and got going.

Brittany Runs a Marathon is what I chose.
I've been wanting to see it and My Honey isn't that interested so I figured it would be perfect for a treadmill movie.
Figured it might even be a bit inspiring and it was.

I didn't finish it of course but I'm liking it so far.

I cooked up some chicken for supper with onions and mushrooms.
My Honey got home while I was working on that and cooked up some broccoli.
Supper was pretty good (and healthy too).

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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