Tuesday 4 February 2020

Whipped Cream is Yum! (Jan.27, 2019)

The weekends just seem to go by way too fast!
It was back to work for me this morning.

Down a bit at weigh in today which was good.

It was cold out today but very sunny and there was no wind so I decided to take advantage and go for a walk to the road.
It was nice.

There is lots of snow this winter which I could do without but it is pretty, I have to admit.

Especially when the sun is shining.
I wore my new summer jacket that I just got myself and I wasn't cold at all.

At lunch, I met My Honey at the hardware store to pick up a few things we needed for the craft room.
I got some water based clear coat for the desk top.

Both cats have decided that the shelf under the window in the craft room is their new spot.
I put some tape up on the wall along the edge of the desk so it would be all ready for me to paint when I get home after work.

I had some leftovers for lunch then back to work I went.
The afternoon flew by as it often does.

I stopped at my son's to drop something off and they mentioned that they wanted to go out driving again so I told them to drop Baby F off to us.

Then as soon as I got home, I was right to work in the craft room.

I vacuumed up all the dust and cat hair off the desk then gave it a couple coats of varnish.

I finished just in time because my son arrived and dropped Baby F off.

She found her little high heels and figured My Honey should put them on,

She is really becoming more vocal and saying lots more words.
She says 'baby', 'ball', 'mama', 'dada' and 'ra' for my brother.

She also meows like a kitty, pants like a dog and she makes a funny monkey sound.
When we ask her what a duck says, she makes a buck bill with hands and does the quacking motion.

It's so fun to watch her grow and develop although I'm really going to miss each stage she passes through.

My Honey cut up an orange for them to share.

He also gave her some pudding and whipped cream.

She loves whipped cream.

By the end, she was pointing at the whipped cream and making her noise that basically meant "I want more".

This is good stuff!


My Honey was putting it on her finger and she was eating it then putting her finger out for more.
It was so cute.

I had a quick supper and my son ended up coming back for her just as I had to leave for curling.

My Honey gave her an orange to take home with her.

He also gave them some cake that he had made.

We had a good game at curlint.
First they were in the lead, then we tied them and took the lead.
Then they caught back up and took the lead then in the 7th end we tied it up so it was all tied up going back on the 8th.
They ended up winning in the end though.

My Auntie B and Cousin D were beautifying themselves today.
It was working!

Ha ha.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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