Sunday 2 February 2020

You Know, It's All About The Baby, Bout The Baby...(Jan.22, 2020)

My morning was full of meetings today.
It made the morning just fly by but it meant I couldn't get much done.
I did try to get out between each one and go for a couple of laps around the office.

As promised, My Honey had flank steak and chimichurri ready for lunch.
It was so delicious.

I think I could eat chimichurri on anything almost.
He had cooked up baby potatoes too which were delish!

Paddington just stretched right out without a care in the world.

He's so funny.

I had another meeting first thing in the afternoon that lasted about an hour so pretty much my whole day was eaten up by meetings.

My Honey made zucchini surpise for supper.
He hollowed out zucchini and filled it with mushrooms, garlic, onions, cheese and tomatoes and backed it in the oven.
The house smelled divine when I walked in.

We want to try to start eating more veggies and cutting back on meat some so this was a step toward that end.

I needed to get some more steps and I needed to go to the store so we thought we'd kill two birds with one stone and go for a walk to the store.
*Side Note - that is just a horrible saying when you think about it, isn't it? I really don't want to kill any birds!

We headed down and stopped by my son's first for a visit.

They wanted to go for a walk too so we told them to go and we'd watch Baby F.

She got My Honey to come right in her room with her.

She just loves taking off his hat and his glasses.

She got a new little toy that she wanted to share with him.

He was making it move around and talk and she was impressed with that.

I love her little outfit, it's so darling.

One of her silly faces.

Her serious look.

We took selfies.

We played with dolls.

She's very gentle with her babies.

We read stories.

She tried on my Fitbit.

We played Hide & Seek.

Where'd she go?

Love that little giggle.

We put her 'babies' to bed and she had a little lie down with them.

We played her new game, now you see it....

Now you don't!

She hid it in her shirt.

Oh, there it is.

She doesn't say a whole lot of words yet but she sure gets her point across with her expressions and the sounds and noises she does make.
She is so much fun.

She looks lost in a day dream.

We just love spending time with her.

When they got home from their walk, we left and headed to the store.
It was a gorgeous night out, lovely for a walk.

When I got home, I saw a post on Facebook by a local business that is closing.
They had some shelves for sale and one of them is exactly what I've been wanting to make to store my ribbon that I have.
I messaged them and they said it was $50.00 so I'm going to drop by tomorrow and pick it up.
I'm kind of excited.
My craft room upgrade is coming together!

I watched the new episode of Home Town tonight.
I love how they really try to reuse and repurpose everything and don't just gut the places they do and bring in everything new.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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