Wednesday 5 February 2020

Italian Wedding Soup is Delish! (Jan.28, 2020)

While I was at work this morning, My Honey sanded down my desk top for me which got really rough after I put a coat of varnish on it for some reason.

He put a couple more coats of varnish on it and now it feels 100% better.

The kitties are really enjoying the new shelf he put up for me.
This is where I found them when I got home for lunch, not sure if I'll be able to set anything else on it, will have to leave space for them.

I'm happy with how it all turned out and I can't wait to start organizing everything back into the room.

My Honey was making Italian Wedding Soup and Focaccia bread for supper so I invited my son and his family over.

As soon as I got home from work, I headed straight to the treadmill.

I was busy in meetings in my office today so I didn't get a whole lot of steps in which meant I had lots more to go.

They got there while I was down on the treadmill and my son brought Baby F downstairs to see mom.

She was petting Paddington and surprisingly, he didn't take off and hide.

He was rubbing up against her and staying right by her which is totally unlike him.

He was even licking her like he does to us sometimes.
Guess he likes her!

When we got upstairs, her first order of business was to climb up on the table.
She thought it was great being up there.

I remember Mr H doing this when he was a baby too.
It was the night that mom had her stroke and her life (and ours) changed forever.

The Italian Wedding soup was a big hit with Baby F (and everyone else).

See how good it looks?

The bread was delicious too.

She likes to take the food out of her dish and put it on the table.

Then she eats it off of the table.

I said hi to her so she gave me a little wave.

The wave!

You can see how much she adores My Honey just by the way she looks at him.

She would take pieces, dunk it in the soup to soak up as much as she could, then suck the soup out of the bread.
Ha ha.

Then it was time to clean up.


After supper, she wanted to climb on our bed to play.

The kids all love getting on there and hiding under the pillows and stuffies.

She found My Honey's chapstick on the bed side table so she was putting that on.

She was willing to share.

Putting the cap on was a bit of an ordeal.

I just love hearing her little giggle.

What does a duck say?

She's been loving the fluffy footstool lately.
She & My Honey played with it for awhile before they went home.

After they left, I had to go back down to the treadmill for a bit longer to reach my 10,000 steps.
I watched The Mandalorian again so it makes the time go by quickly.
I'm on episode 7 though so only one more episode left.

Always happy when I get my steps in.

After my workout, My Honey and I pretty much just hit the hay.

Now this show I would like to see!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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