Sunday 2 February 2020

10,000 Steps Per Day Still Going Strong! (Jan.21, 2020)

A regular day over here today in my neck of the woods.

Work was busy and the day flew by.

I had a massage booked right after work and I looked forward to it all day!
I had an hour and a half one and she did some cupping on my back.
It's kind of pinchy but I love how it feels afterwards.

We talked music the whole time and she played some stuff for me that I really liked but I can't for the life of me remember who the artists were now or what the song titles were.
I knew that would happen!

After my massage I still had lots of steps to get but I wanted a bit of a rest first so I warmed up some of the ground turkey and tomatoes I cooked yesterday and

Then I also cooked a couple of the vegetable pancakes I got at Costco last week.
They have a really good flavor but there a bit on the greasy side.

Then I hopped on the treadmill to make it to my 10,000 steps.

So far so good, haven't missed a day and I don't intend to!

I also helped mom hang up some pictures she got for Christmas.

My Honey starts his days off tomorrow and he said he's making flank steak and chimichurri for lunch.
Woo hoo - I can't wait!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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