Sunday 2 February 2020

Fri-Yay! (Jan.24, 2020)

I was off to work this morning, happy that it's Friday.

Meanwhile this morning, My Honey got busy making bagels.

When I got home, he was pulling the bagels out of the oven and he had quite the spread ready to make bagel sandwiches.

He cooked us each a couple of eggs then I built myself a sandwich.

Doesn't that look delish?

I headed back to work and the afternoon flew by and before I knew it, I was back home again.

I had to hop on the treadmill for a little bit to reach my 10,000 steps.
I did it though.

My brother called to see if I'd watch the kiddos while he and my SIL went to WCT.
Turned out one of the kiddos my SIL babysits had to stay late and they didn't go but Mr H still wanted to come over so I told them to bring him.

Then we all headed over to visit Baby F.

As per usual, she was right up with My Honey

And off came the glasses almost immediately.

Mom came along with us and Louie was thrilled to see her.

Selfie with Grandma - She's got her serious face on.

Mr H had to check out the tent.

He, My Honey and Baby F all got in there.

He found the new little flashlight that My Honey picked up for her.

Look at that, stuck right to him.

She really liked Mr H being there and just wanted to play with him.

Being silly.

First she got My Honey's fitbit.

Then she wanted mine.

She was trying to put it on.

I offered to help her put it on, I'm pretty sure that look meant "No, I can do it myself!"

Time for supper.

As soon as she finished eating, it was time to climb.

She loves jumping off of the coffee table into My Honey's arms.
She did jump to me tonight too.

And she wanted to jump to Mr H too.
She waited patiently for him just so she could.

Then it was right back into the tent for the three of them.

Aww, look at her sitting on Mr.H's lap.

She thought that was great.

He did too, he's so sweet to her.

She was all smiles.

Such a little climber, she managed to get up on the counter.

Found my camera and snapped a picture of she & I from this awesome angle.

Taking a minute to think about what to get into next.

Not sure if she came up with a grand plan or not as we headed home.

We still hadn't had any supper and we were getting hungry.

When we got home, I cooked up some chicken nuggets, broccoli and potatoes.
My Mom used to cook potatoes like this all the time and I love making them every now and then for a treat.

Mr H skipped everything except the chicken nuggets but at least I got him to eat a couple of those.
He was really looking forward to playing video games with My Honey all evening so even though it was getting late, they played together for an hour before we took him home.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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