Thursday 13 February 2020

Second Day of Training in Calgary (Feb. 6, 2020)

There is a gigantic black board that lists what they have for breakfast at the hotel restaurant and I love it.

I was excited to see Chipotle Black Bean Crumble on the menu.
I had it last time I was here and it was delicious.

Oh, and there was BACON!!!

I've been passing these cows every morning on my way to the office.

There is a whole hallway of them.

The 'Udderly Art Legacy Pasture'
I'd like to come back sometime and have a closer look at all of them.
If I hadn't gone this way to work, I'd never have known they were here.

Love the socks.

I like the pin stripe pants on this one.

This is the map of the Plus 15 in Calgary.
It's pretty cool.
I'd like to come sometime and walk through the whole thing.

The second day of the course went well.
I had salmon and salad for lunch today, the salmon was good.

We finished up a bit early so I went to the hotel office I'd booked to work.
I was glad I had time to do that so I won't be so bombarded with emails when I get back to the office on Monday.

When I left I was kind of just walking around the mall attached to the office and saw a sign for The Devonian Gardens so I thought I'd check it out.

It's up on the fourth floor and it's fountains and plants and trees with walkways and seating.

It's very pretty and calm.

A nice place to come walk around, especially in winter when the weather is so crappy outdoors.

There were some funky sculptures in amongst the plants and a playground.

There was a big 'pond' with fountains.

A living wall.

It is a huge space and I just walked around it for a bit mostly because it was pretty but also to get some extra steps in.

I decided to eat at the food court there and had a thin crust pizza from Red Tomato.
It was good.

I found a place to sit by pond and thoroughly enjoyed my supper.

I did a bit of shopping before heading back to my room.
I was fairly close to my 10,000 steps so didn't have to go to the gym, I just walked in circles around my hotel room.

I found a new show to watch on Netflix that sucked me right in.

It's about a championship cheerleading team from Texas.
They tell the back stories on some of the team members and it's really interesting.
It really makes you pull for them and want them to succeed.
I watched it FAR too late into the night.
Luckily I'm not going in to the office tomorrow so I can sleep in a little.

Saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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