Thursday 19 October 2017

New Orleans Day Five - Secret Food Tour

My Honey had booked a Secret Food Tour for today when we were still back home.
We looked up the meeting spot and it was about a 45 minute trolley ride to get there.
It was scheduled for 11 am so we just headed that way when we got up

We got to go on the St Charles St trolley again and we needed to take it all the way to the end.
We really like riding on it.

Still in awe of all these beautiful houses.

The folks at this house had a wonderful display of skeletons.
It looked awesome.

We found a little cafe at our trolley stop so we went in to have breakfast.
My Honey had the quiche (it was yummy).

I had this meet pastry that they topped with a mushroom sauce.
It was oh so yummy.

After we ate we headed over to look for the address that we were supposed to meet at for the food tour.
We couldn't find it though, turned out it didn't really exist.
I was kind of perturbed because I was thinking My Honey had been taken.
I did have the confirmation information for the tour with me so I got on the phone and called them.
Apparently they had given me the wrong address and the girl said she was just across the street with an orange umbrella.

I could see her down there so we headed over there.
There was only the tour guide, a collegue of hers that works for the same food tour company and My Honey & I on the tour.

She said it was like a test tour and we were kind of like the guinea pigs.

The first thing we tried was like a crawfish mac and cheese.
I wasn't crazy about it but I am not crazy for mac and cheese either so no big surprise.

 Next we went to a little Chinese food place called China Orchid.

We tried deep fried shrimp

and crawfish egg rolls.

It was nice talking to the two girls but it was a really strange food tour.
She didn't really give us any information, we mainly just talked about personal stuff like the tour guide's children and the other girls dog.
She was here from San Fransisco and she runs a Secret Food Tour there.

Our next stop was Cooter Brown's and they had these wooden carvings of celebrities all around the whole restaurant.
They were so great.

It was a lot of fun going around and tryng to guess who they were supposed to be.

There is Elvis of course.

And Marilyn and JFK!

Whoever made them is super talented.

They even had Mother Theresa - awesome!

This place was actually featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

We had the radiator special.

She just got one then cut it into 4 pieces which I have never seen at a food tour before.
Also - the food wasn't ready for us at each location, she had to order it but I guess the food tour was still being created so that made sense.
It was really good and we planned on going back there on our own but never made it.

Next stop was a little Italian Place called Vincent's.

We had an artichoke and crab dip.
It felt awkward sharing this with 3 other people and I didn't really care for it.
I wouldn't have it again.

Here we all are at the final stop - Camellia
The girl on the far right was our guide and the one beside me was her collegue from San Fransisco.

We had the Pecan Pie here which they warmed up on the grill.

It was really good!

They didn't stick around to chat at all when the tour was over, they were gone!

We noticed a little place across the street call The Milk Bar that looked interesting so we went over to check it out.
I wanted an ice coffee.

They had all these little posters on the wall which I thought were great so I had to get pictures of them all.
A Trump Corporation.

A Chinese Corportation

A Japanese Corporation

An Indian Corporation (this one made me giggle)

An Iraqi Corporation

An Italian Corporation

A Canadian Corporation

An American Corporation

I got my ice coffee then we headed to the CVS or Walgreens that was next door.
I have been on the hunt for Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer since we got here - I want to take some home with me.
So far, I haven't had any luck finding any.

They did have these though which I'd seen at the airport and didn't take a picture of.
I should have bought a bag to try them but I didn't.

Then we saw a cheesecake snowcone place across the street so we had to go try it out.
I got the orange creamsicle which had a ball of cream cheese stuff in the middle.
My Honey opted for cherry.

It was super hot so we were excited.
They hit the spot!
When we finished up there, we decided to just do some walking, see what we see.

A grafitti filled sign.
We made our way over to Oak Street which was supposed to have lots of little shops & restaurants too.
Chalkboard signs seem to be all the rage here.
We should have went in and tried the sea urching but we were kind of full.

More funky artwork.

Check out this truck.
It was parked outside of a restaurant that we saw featured on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives.
Again, we were too full to eat again at that point.

I especially like the eyes in place of headlights.

Some of these signs are so creative,
We checked out the art market but there wasn't anything in there that really caught our eye.

I thought this looked so cool.

There is the skeleton house again - they just put so much effort into it and it looked awesome.

This place was getting into the spirit of the season too.

A cool bike rack we saw.
After walking for a couple of hours, we were ready to eat again.
We kept seeing this restaurant called Imperial on the trolley and we thought it was a seafood place so we went to try it out.
Turned out it was a Mexican place.
Since we were already in there, I orderd a couple of tacos.

And My Honey ordered some tortilla soup (it was so spicy and delicious).
There he is, my handsome honey.
He's got that look because he just noticed something parked outside and he was pretty proud of himself.
Punch Buggy Red!
He kind of smoked me at the Punch Buggy game while we were in New Orleans.
We left there and did some more exploring.

This little fellow was not afraid of us at all.

I think if My Honey could have fit this into his suitcase, he would have bought it.
He has a thing for them?
I dont' understand.
After walking a bit more, we decided to hop back on the trolley and head back to the hotel.
I love the trolley so much - It was my favorite thing we did in New Orleans.
You see lots of stuff while riding on it too.

Punch Buggy Brown!

This isn't the greatest shot (hard to get on the trolley) but this place looked like a castle.
I was in awe of it everytime we passed.

Just some random guy walking down the street playing his saxophone.

This was in the center of a little rotary we went around several times on the trolley.
There were always lots of homeless folks hanging out there.

There's the trolley - they were running constantly so we were always meeting one going in the opposite direction.

This was the Superior Grill we thought we had wanted to go to.
We had walked past another seafood place though so when the trolley neared it, we stopped off to grab something to eat.

They had this cool balloon poodel statue.

My Honey & I jsut loving every minute of our adventure.
It was happy hour and oysters were really cheap but only if you bought an alcoholic drink.
We don't really drink but decided to just pay regular price and have the oysters anyway.

We tried grilled oysters again.
These ones were much better than the ones we had the other day.

We also had they raw on the halfshell which is my favorite way.

Then, because we love it so much, we hopped back on the trolley.
It was such a nice evening and the windows on the trolley are all open so the breeze as you are going along feels really nice.
Just enjoying the sights.

The trolleys don't go that fast so I don't imagine there are many incidents but still, people do just walk out right in front.

These are the tracks.

There are two tracks that run down the whole length of St Charles street and the space between seems to be a very popular running place.
We saw so many joggers/runners everyday running between the trolleys.
I understand it though, it's mostly grass, no other traffic, pretty flat and there are always trolleys going by every few minutes so there is always someone around.

This is the inside of the trolley.
The seats were really cool, you could move the backs of the seats so that they could face either way.

We saw a few of these around, not sure of the significance but I am always a sucker for mini versions of things.
We stayed on the trolley right until the last stop then we got off and walked a little.
We walked by this place that was selling pumkins.
It was closed up for the night.
We walked up to the restaurant we had started our food tour at this morning and went in and ordered some desserts.
I had the bread pudding.

My Honey had the chocolate cake (wasn't that good).

This was the place we had the pecan pie at this morning.
After we ate we hopped back on the trolley and headed back to the hotel.
It was about a 45 minute ride and it was just lovely.

Canal Street - this is the center of town and it was usually hopping with people.
Our hotel had an entrance to it right on this street.

I guess our steps were down a little today because we spent so much time on the trolley.
We got back to the hotel and I checked in on Facebook as usual.
Thank you Facebook for this wonderful memory that popped up.
My two little nephews Mr D and Mr E.
OMG - look how darn cute they both are.
Then, because were were there exactly 2 years ago at this time, more London memories popped up.
My Honey & I enjoying the sunshine.
I think we were super lucky with the weather we had in London while there.
It hardly rained at all and we had plenty of sunshiny days which I think is unusual but we were thankful.

We did the hop on hop off tour in London and there are just so many beautiful, iconic things to see everywhere.

I forget the name of this square but it was cool.
So many people just hanging out, enjoying it.

The London Eye.

We got off at the Tower of London.
Here is My Honey enjoying an ice cream.

There we both are outside the Tower of London.

Of course I needed a picture with this iconic bridge.
I always thought it was London Bridge but learned while there that it is actually Tower Bridge.
London Bridge is a different bridge, not nearly as recognizable.

Moi again.
We went for a boat ride along the Thames and it was a beautiful day for it.
Our guide was super funny too and had us all laughing.

My Honey with Big Ben in the back ground.

Westminister Abbey - ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!

Then just another random memory popped up from 3 years ago.
I had made fitness challenge for myself to work out every single day for a month straight and because I accomplished my goal, I allowed myself to go to the Farmers Market in Strathcona and buy something from one of the vendors there that makes these dolls that I love.
I ended up taking two home that day because I loved them both so much.
(the poor little girlie in the pink dress has since been mauled by my kitty so her face is looking a lot less cute now, I still love her though).
And that's a wrap for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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