Monday, 23 October 2017

Grizzly in the Area

Pretty uneventful day at work.
I spent most of the day catching up on emails and clearing off the piles that had collected on my desk while I was away.

My Honey came across this at one of the wells he was checking.
Thankfully he didn't come across the fellow who made it.
He figures it was a grizzly.

I had some hamburger that needed to get cooked up so I added some spices, garlic and onions to it.
I also made cream corn, carrots and my new craze - instant mashed potatoes.
They are so dang easy to make - just boil water, add it and stir - and they taste pretty good too.
Easy and delicious supper.

I spent most of the evening unpacking and downloading pictures from our trip.

Facebook memories for today.
Oct.2014 Nova Scotia~New England Trip continues...

We took the boys to Kentville for a drive.
They were making silly faces for me and Monkey see monkey do!

If you have read any of my blog before you will know that I am a tree lover and these spectacular colors make me love them even more.

The shape and color of this one is just stunning.

The pumpkin people in Kentville were up and the theme for this year is the 1980's.
This looks like a scene from Dirty Dancing.


Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Mr E striking a pose.


My Honey striking a pose of his own.

What a gorgeous fall day it was and I loved spending every minute of it with them.
If you ever get a chance to check out this little part of the world - do.
I grew up around there and so I am very partial to it.
I believe it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Kung Fu Master.
This is the best shot and I love it so much I have it printed and on my fridge.

Another one of his cool moves.

Mr E making more silly faces.

There are pumpkin dioramas all over town.

They built the Back to the Future care - awesome.

They even built one of those AT-ATs from Star Wars.
(I didn't just know what those were called, I had to call My Honey in for that information)

There was also a train there and Mr E is a train freak so we had to check it out of course.
It was a lovely day.

My sister has a new fella and he bought the boys each Thomas hats so they modelled them for me.
Just look at that little face - my goodness he is a little charmer.

Mr E wasn't in the mood for pictures so I had to snap this one quickly.
He really was happy with the gift though.
They really like Mr T and that is a good thing.

I want my sister and her boys to be happy and this was my first time meeting him.
They seem to be a good match, he makes her happy and the boys like him so what more could I ask for?

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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