Thursday 26 October 2017

Belated Thanksgiving/Birthday Dinner

Every morning before we are ready to get up, My Honey opens the bedroom door and lets the kitties in for a little morning snuggle.
Paddington loves to jump and attack our feet if we move them under the covers and he really takes a bite out.

It's hard to see but he has a couple of holes ripped into my comforter.
It kind of makes me want to get a new one but then on the other hand, if he destroys a new one, I won't be very happy.
Guess I'll just leave it for now.

We got up and My Honey started in on the cooking and I started in on the cleaning.
I did help him peel some carrots and potatoes but other than that, he cooked the whole meal.
Even made cranberry sauce from scratch.

Everyone came over at 1:30 but we waited until mom got home from church at 2:00 to eat.
She's been getting out and doing lots lately which is really wonderful to see.
She was so social before and I think that has been one of the biggest struggles for her.
She really misses her friends and just chatting with them.

There is nanny with her little man, Mr H.
My goodness they grow up so fast.
He seems taller than when I last saw him which was not that long ago.

My brother and my boy!

Big smiles from Miss A.

There is my other brother and My Honey.

My SIL Miss M finally able to get a plate for herself after making one for each of her kiddos.

The feast My Honey cooked up.
We had glazed ham, turkey, carrots, stuffing, cream corn, gravy and mashed potatoes with cream cheese in them.

Chow time.

Even for this guy!

Think I am going to need to get a bigger table so there is room for everyone.

My plate - I ate every last scrap of what was on my plate too.

My niece Miss M and her guy Mr T made it.
I haven't seen them in a while so it was nice.
She couldn't stay long because she had to head to work.

I also made brownies and caramel sauce for dessert.
I had ice cream, mini chocolate chips and whipped cream so we could make brownie sundaes.
It was kind of a make up for my brother A's birthday too as we missed it while we were away.

He found the arrows from the bow & arrow set.
At least it just has a suction cup end instead of something pointy.

Giving hugs before going home.

I made sure to get mine in.

Time to head home.
I love having everyone over and doing it early in the day like this is a tradition I might start.
After they left we put everything away, cleaned up and did the dishes and everything was all back to normal by 5pm.
My Honey and I were able to sit and just relax and spend some time together.
Mom headed out again to a service at a different church - busy lady.

Had a few Facebook memories pop up.

This was a year ago today.
It had almost been a month by this point that mom had had her stroke.
We were all visiting her at the hospital.
She has come so far since then.

These are from 2 years ago.
A friend of mom asked My Honey if he could make cupcakes for her grand daughters birthday party.

He made quite a few - I helped him decorate.

Toasted Marshmallow with graham cracker crumb frosting and teddy grahams.
We even toasted the marshmallows which was harder than it looks.

Chocolate peanut butter cup with peanut butter cream cheese frosting.

Pineapple coconut with orange cream cheese frosting.

Finally birthday cake oreo with vanilla frosting and my cool pinterest find, mini Popsicles! So cute!

They were a lot of fun to make but also a lot of work.
I think they enjoyed them so it was worth it.

It's was a wonderful day!
Until next time, be happy!

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