Sunday 16 February 2020

Marvel Exhibit, Telus Science Center (Feb.8, 2020)

We normally go to Timmie's for breakfast but I had a hankering for some bacon so we found an actual restaurant to go to this morning.

The place was called County Cooking and we'd never eaten there before.

It was a mom & pop kind of place with a cool mural on the wall.

I ordered a bowl of fruit for my side and it was so delicious.
It was actual real fresh fruit, not frozen.

Why you lookin so sad?
Not sad really, just hanging out, waiting for breakfast to come.

He had the eggs benedict.

I had a omelet with a side of bacon.

From there we headed over to the Telus Science Center to see the Marvel exhibit that is currently there.
It's due to wrap up later this month so this is our last chance to see it.
Everyone else must have had the same idea too because the place was packed.

We had to park across the street in a parking lot for a little strip mall over there and we just happened to park in front of a little coffee shop that looked like a neat place.
We went in and I got a Chai Latte and My Honey got an espresso.

We noticed they had a Cuban sandwich on special so decided we'd come back later to try one.

There was a life size Thor hanging in the lobby.

Turns out we couldn't get in right now so we bought tickets for the 2:15 entrance.
Since we had a couple of hours to spare, we decided to go get some of our shopping done.

On the way back to the truck we noticed even the garbage cans had a Marvel theme to them.

This one had a giant Captain America painted on it.

We shopped for a couple hours then went back to the Green Bean Cafe to have lunch before going back to the Science Center.

We shared a Cuban sandwich and a bowl of pickle soup.
It wasn't as good as the Cuban My Honey makes but it was still pretty darn good.

Then finally we were able to head into the exhibit.

Look at the price on the comic, 10 cents.

They had a display with video of all of Stan Lee's cameo's which was awesome.
Going to miss him in the movies going forward.

Just chilling with The Thing.

Seeing the costumes the actors and actresses actually wore is pretty cool.
They look so tiny.

My Honey & Black Panther.


This is the costume worn by Tom Holland, look how little he must be.

Watch out!

They had a virtual reality game at the Iron Man display so it was really backed up.

I was patient though and did manage to get a good picture.

I think the costumes are my favorite thing about these exhibits.

Nick Furry.

Wish My Honey was beside this for comparison but it looks like Samuel Jackson is at least a tall guy.

Next up, Black Widow.

No big surprise that Scarlet Johansson appears to be tiny too.

One of my fave's, Thor.

That headpiece for Hela is pretty awesome but it must have been awkward to wear.

There was this window in the wall and if you looked inside, there was a hologram of Ant-Man.

There he is, so tiny.

All these little ants came running out.

The Wasp was even there, it was pretty cool.

Captain America and Winter Soldier.

Looking at the costumes, these guys seemed to be more of an average build in real life.

Captain America's shield.

Pretty cool.

The next section of the exhibit was all these angled mirrors, it was super cool.

Ancient One's Costume.

I like it.

Doctor Strange's costume.

Such a great costume, I think it was my favorite.

I love the title of the book Deadpool is reading, 101 Jokes about Captain America.

I'm not huge into comic books myself but my brother A is and he would have loved this whole exhibit.

Thanos, the bad guy we all love to hate but kind of secretly like a bit at the same time too.

Great art piece.

Captain Marvel.

Not my favorite costume but it was still cool looking.

Miss Marvel, maybe?

Next up, Guardians of the Galaxy.

Awww, Groot, I love Groot.
Especially Baby Groot, he just the best.

Gamor and Star Lord.

I remember when Guardians of the Galaxy first came out and My Honey really wanted to go see the movie.
I wasn't that into it but went because he wanted to and ended up loving it.
It was a fantastic movie and I've been a big fan ever since.

That was kind of the end but we went back through to have a closer look at a few things.

Like the Tesseract.

and Loki's head piece.

I looked into the display case and tried to angle my face so it looked like I was wearing it.

It kind of worked.

Next up was the most difficult decision of the day, choosing my favorite Marvel character.

It would update the stats after each vote.
I had a really hard time choosing between Groot, Thor and Hulk.
I had to keep letting people in front of me so they could vote while I decided but in the end, I opted for Hulk.

There were some action figures on display.

Not many though, I definitely would have liked to see more of those.

All in all it was a good exhibit, not the best we've seen but I'm glad we got a chance to see it.
We had to do a bit more shopping then we hit the road for home.

New (to me) tune we heard on the way that I quite enjoyed.

We stopped in Spruce Grove for some Opa's.
I had a chicken pita.

We shared some hummus too.
The pita was weird, it was thick and soft, not like normal pita.

First stop when we got back to town was to visit Baby F.
I hadn't seen her all week and I was missing her.

She got My Honey's fitbit off his arm almost as soon as we walked in.

She and her mommy both are sick with colds.
I had picked her up some childrens Halls suckers so I wanted to drop them off to her.

She didn't want her own, she wanted moms.

I also dropped off the comforter set I got for her, we opened it up and put it on her bed for her.

She was very seriously checking it out.

She looks not so sure.

She approves, I think she really liked the mermaids.

Such a serious little look whenever I get out the camera.

For the first time though, I told her to smile and smile she did.

OMG, I can't even.
That adorable little face.
This is my new favorite picture of her.

Then she broke out into a full on, big beautiful laugh and it was music to my ears.

She just loved the pillows that came with the comforter set.

My Honey was pretending he was sleeping and he was pretend snoring really loudly.

She thought that was just hilarious.

My Honey picked her up a treat too, this little walking, meowing kitty.

She wasn't patient enough to let it walk on it's own (it was pretty slow) so she just dragged it around the house by the leash.

Off she goes.

My sweet girl.

The way Louie was sitting with his paw up on the arm rest struck me as so funny.

Hmmm, do I want that sucker?

My Honey was trying to coax her to suck on it so it would help her throat.
She would, but not for long.

Little monkey was trying to climb up onto the bookshelf.

She got hold of my phone and took a selfie.

I love her little twirls she does.
The way she looks to the side to try to see where she is going is hilarious.

It was getting late and we still had to get home and pack everything into the house so we said good night and headed home.
Luckily I had my 10,000 steps in so I didn't have to get on the treadmill and was just able to relax when we got home.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!