Tuesday 3 August 2021

New Scenery For My Run (July 31, 2021)

I got up and had my coffee and kind of puttered around doing this and that all morning.

Then around lunch time, I decided I wanted to go to Whitecourt for a quick trip. 

I hadn't had anything to eat all day so the first thing I did was stop at Edo for some lunch.
The had miso soup on the menu so I had to try that.

I had the Chicken Chop Chop bowl and it was so good.
I also picked up take out to take home to Jason for supper.

I stopped at Walmart for a few groceries and got some sugar free ice cream for a treat for myself.

There was no way it was going to make it the hour long drive home in the hot weather so I just ate it, all!
It was good too.

I was looking at Facebook while I was eating and a friend from NS made a post with a picture of Jasper.
I got so excited thinking she was there so immediately commented on the post and asked her.
I was thinking if she was that I would head there immediately to see her.

She responded pretty much right away and said they had been in Jasper but were now in Lake Louise and spending the night in Canmore.

I told her if she was going to be in Edmonton to let me know and maybe we could do supper.
Well, lo and behold, she's going to be there tomorrow so looks like I'm heading to Edmonton tomorrow to see her and I'm so excited.

I did some looking around at what was available for our bathroom renovation stuff in Whitecourt.
Things seem kind of pricey though - I'm curious what kind of prices Edmonton would have.
I'm going to head in early tomorrow and do some more looking around.

I brought my running clothes with me so I could do a run in Whitecourt while I was there.
I thought the change in scenery would be nice.

I stopped into the forestry interpretive center to ask about the trails and they gave me a map of them.
The lady there was very helpful.
She said a bear had been spotted in the area that week so just to keep that in consideration.

I figured it would be ok but within the first km, came up to a sign barring the trail due to a bear sighting.
So I turned to go back then realized that the section I had already run was actually the section that was barricaded off so I turned back again and just ran around the barricade.

It suddenly got really woodsy though and I just didn't feel comfortable because I didn't really know the area so I decided to go into the residential area and run in there instead.
I passed some huge, gorgeous homes, I had no idea there were homes like that in Whitecourt.

The exercise details.

My splits.

The run felt really great and I was hoping I could have gone longer but my bladder was not cooperating.
You can see that I had to slow right down at the end to avoid an accident.

7k is pretty good though so I wasn't that upset about having to cut it short, plus it was super hot out there and very smoky so my feelings weren't that hurt.

I went back into the Forestry Center to use their facilities and took a few sweaty selfies while I was in there.
Front view.

Side view..

Then I headed back home.

I heard a song I love that I'll need to add to my Spotify playlist when I get home.

Haylee posted this cute picture of Freya with her little friends at the lake yesterday.
Looks like they had so much fun together.

Freya and Haylee were at a birthday party at the park when I got back to town so I stopped there to see them.
Freya wanted to come to my place so Kody and Haylee brought her over to spend the night.

She wanted to play in her pool so out we went.

She had to get those bugs out.

Pool maintenance is a tough job but someone has got to do it.

She remembered about he hot water too and asked for some to be added to the pool.

She did give Papa a hand.
She's a good little helper.

After swimming, we went inside to watch tv and have snacks.
I picked up these cute little jammies for her in WCT.
I also went to the second hand store and picked her up a bunch of stuff there too.

Papa posing for a picture for her.
She took this.

She also took this one of me.
Nice, Huh?

Then she posed for a couple pictures.

Her eyes are so expressive, always have been.
Then out of nowhere, Alexa just says "it's bedtime".
We were all like "what"?

Alexa just said what?

Freya was so funny, she kept saying "what did Alexa say"?

We ignored Alexa's announcement and just continued eating our snacks.

And watching Diana and Roma - Freya's favorite episode currently is the one where they are playing with slime.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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