Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Back On Track (Aug.9, 2021)

No weigh in for me today as I don't have a scale here with me.

That's probably a good thing as I had a lot of treats this weekend.
We did try to be extra active but I'm not sure that's enough.

I am going to get back to eating better starting today so hopefully by my weigh in next week, it will be like it never happened! 

I had to go in to work today at the Chetwynd office.
The girl I'm here to train was actually starting today so she had to do an orientation and get a few things sorted out before we could actually start.

That pretty much took the whole morning so I just worked on my regular work and we planned to get started first thing in the afternoon.

Jason is heading home today - he stopped by to see my when he was heading out.
I wish he could stay all week with me - I'm going to miss him but he has to work.

I went to the store with one of the ladies at the office and picked up a salad for lunch.
We really overdid it with the treats on the weekend so I want to get back to healthier options now.

After work I got ready and headed out for a run.

I was feeling like I needed to work off some of those treats so added a bit to the route we've been doing since we got here.

I ended up doing a 10k run.

The exercise details.

My average pace was pretty good.

I think it would have been better but I was running against the wind for the last few km's and it was super windy so that slowed me down a bit.

I felt great when I was done.

I called Links Pub & Grill where we'd eaten at yesterday and ordered a spinach salad for pick up for supper.

I walked over to pick it up then went back to my hotel room to eat it.

It was so good.

Jason called me to let me know that he'd made it home.

He went for a 5k run here in Chetwynd before he left this morning then he went for another 5k because he was feeling guilty about all our treats too.

Then he cooked up these delicious looking chicken breasts for his supper.

I spent the rest of the evening working on getting my blog caught up because I'd skipped a few days.

It took forever - I'm not sure if it was the computer I had that sucked or the internet but it took forever and all I did was upload the pictures for each day.

It was so frustrating that once I had that done, I gave it up for the night and watched some HGTV before calling it a night

I really need my grey covered.

I have a really busy month or so coming up so I'm not sure how I'm going to fit it in but I need to remember to call tomorrow and see if I can make an appointment.

I also need to apply for a PEI pass - that is coming up right away too.
I kept putting it off thinking I had lots of time but you know that is never a good idea.

It was really on my mind when I was trying to go to sleep so I had to get up and make myself a note so I wouldn't forget then I had a much easier time drifting off to sleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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