Wednesday 11 August 2021

Moberly Lake (Aug.8, 2021)

We were a little later getting out for a run this morning but it was still the first thing on our agenda.

Saw another deer while we were out.

Jason finished up before I did so he snapped this picture of me when I was just finishing up.

Got in another 7k run.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits were even better than yesterday.
I was surprised because somehow it felt harder today.
I'll take it though.
We took advantage of the pool at the hotel and went for a quick dip.

We had the whole place to ourselves.

I even tried out the slide but the water wasn't on so I ended up having to kind of crawl my way down.

Work booked me into a different hotel for the rest of the week so we had to pack up and check out and we'll check into the new hotel later on today.

We decided to check Links Pub & Grill out again hoping it would be a calmer place at lunch time and it was.

Got a new shirt yesterday and I love the bright color.

We got a Mountain Burger that we shared.
It was fantastic.

We also got a Mexican Fiesta salad that we shared and it was also super good.
The food here was so good - I'd definitely come back again.

After lunch, we took a drive to Moberly Lake which was about 26k outside of town.

There were even wood carvings out there.
This gargoyle was pretty cool.

It had a skull hanging from a rope below it.

There was lots of foliage growing around it so it was hard to see - you had to actually get up close and look.

The entrance to the park.

You could see the lake between the trees - it looked pretty.

We found a spot to park then just found a trail and followed it.

It took us directly to the lake.

It was a huge lake.

It was a gorgeous day and there were a few people there hanging out on the beach and swimming.

Moberly Lake.

Jason and I just walked along the beach a bit.

It was a rocky beach.

Very nice clear water.

Jason found this rock that looked like it had an imprint of a plant or maybe a shell on it.

My Honey and I.

Searching for more cool rocks.

Just enjoying the sunshine and the view.

Neither of us felt like hopping in the water but we did grab our towels and find a nice sunny spot to lay down and relax.
One of us may or may not have had a nap.

Toes aren't quite in the water or the sand but toes in the grass is just as good.

What a way to spend a day.

My view for about an hour (when my eyes were open) was of this.

And this.

And this.

After our little cat nap in the sun, we decided to get out bikes out and go for a ride around the campground.
Heading back to the car, we saw this little guy (or gal) sitting on the picnic table.

This was as close as I could get before he/she scurried away.

We biked all through the campground then out to the highway and back.
As you can see, there were some fabulous views along the way.

Jason took this picture of me - I'm not coordinated enough to take pictures while I'm riding my bike.

There was quite a steep hill that we got to fly down on the way out to the road which was fun but I was not looking forward to having to ride up it on the way back.

I warned Jason that I might end up having to walk my bike up it but I was able to make it up on the bike albeit slowly.

We did just over 12k on the bikes.
If there'd been more trails, we likely would have done them but we already did a few loops more than once as it was.

So we drove back into Chetwynd.
It's kind of down in a valley so the views driving into town are really nice.

We pulled over at one point to take some pictures.

You can just see the buildings in the town there in the center of this picture.

When we got to town, we went and checked into the new hotel.
It had a bit better of a view than the last one.

It did look down into a work site but at least you can see the mountains too off in the distance.
The other hotel just looked down into someone's backyard.

We were kind of hungry so we went to the Riverhouse again.

They had maple bacon flavored wings which peaked my interest so we got those to try.
We got the boneless ones which basically were just chicken nuggets.
They were ok, kind of dry.

We shared a burger.

It looked good but it was nowhere near as good as the one we had yesterday and the fries weren't really that good either.

It was a bummer, it kind of felt like we wasted all those calories on something that wasn't very good and the food there had been so good yesterday.

The service was much better today though so there was that.

I wanted something sweet for dessert but since we were so underwhelmed with our meal, we decided to get something elsewhere.

The IGA in town has a bakery so we went there to get a few things.

We got these mini strawberry topped cheesecakes.

Then Jason picked a Nanaimo bar and I got a coconut caramel one and we shared.

They hit the spot and satisfied my craving.

Over in PEI today, my Aunt and Uncle celebrated their 50th anniversary.

Here they are with their grandson.

And with their son, daughter and grandson again.
50 years of marriage is quite a milestone.

A bunch of my family went and had supper with them including my mom, sister and her boys.
I wish I could have been there too.
At least I'll be getting to see everyone there very soon!

After supper we considered going out for another bike ride but we were both pretty pooped so we just hung out together in the hotel room for the evening.

I think all the treats that we had over the last couple days caught up with us too.
Looks like there is going to be lots of running going on for the next bit to make up for it.

It was totally worth it for the most part - we had some really delicious treats.

Jason is heading home tomorrow so it was nice to just chill together for a bit.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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