Tuesday 3 August 2021

Bathroom Recon and Dinner with a Dear Old Friend (Aug.1, 2021)

I hoped to get up early this morning and get a run in before heading to Edmonton.

That didn't happen.

I didn't have a great sleep so I was pretty tired.

Jason got busy as soon as he got to work cooking up a meat extravaganza.

Kody came to pick up Freya around 9:30 so I could get going to the city.

She didn't want to go at first but eventually warmed up to the idea of seeing her 'families'.
It's a new thing she's been saying "I miss my families" and when you ask her who that is, she says Daddy, Mommy, Louie, Ozzy and Tallulah.
It sounds so cute and it's always 'families' in the plural.

After they left, I hit the road.
I wanted to do some bathroom renovation recon before meeting with Kelly and her husband Paul in Sherwood Park for supper. 

Had some good tunes along the way that I want to add to my Spotify playlists when I get home.

Can't believe I don't already have this one - I've loved this song ever since the movie Almost Famous.

I'm a huge 70's fan so my Sirius is dialed to this station a lot.

When I got to the city, my first stop was Lowes.
The main things I was looking for today for the bathroom were a vanity, a shower, a toilet and flooring.

I like the looks of this vanity.
I was thinking of going with white but this might work.

It was much cheaper than the ones I saw in Whitecourt yesterday.

I was thinking that the black on this shower looked nice.

The total price wasn't outrageous for it.

This was just for the vanity top - good price but not sure if I'm into black.

I'll have to think about it a bit more but it's an option at least.

This vanity was reduced and it didn't come with a top but we could use butcher block.

It's a great price but I'm not sure if it's big enough or if it will even be there when we go back to actually buy the stuff we need.

We need a corner shower kit like this and you could get it with black instead of the chrome which I'm kind of into.

I need to take measurements though, 38" might be too big.

Another option with the black trim, I'm really digging it.

Another cute little vanity, might be too little though.

I never thought about having a blue vanity but I like this one.

Great price too.

If we go with the black trim on the shower stall then I want to go with black fixture too.

Holy heck - I didn't realize how expensive fixtures were!

Another vanity option.
I like the black handles and the faucet but don't really dig the color of the vanity itself.

Another one that I'm nor really sure about the color.

It was kind of pricey too.

This was on sale, still expensive but I like the looks of it.

I am seriously considering the blue as well and they had a few size options.

I always love white and I like that is has drawers and an open bottom.
I could change out the handles if I really wanted too.
I like that it has some room beside the sink to put stuff.

The price is reasonable too.

I think in the end it's going to come down to white, blue or a shade of wood like this.

Again, not a bad price for the size of it.

I want a toilet that is flat on the sides on the bottom so it's easier to clean.
Looks like it's going to cost a bit more but I think it will be worth it.

I found another version that was a bit cheaper.
I think eventually I'd like to change the toilets in our upstairs bathrooms to this type as well.

Another vanity option that was on sale - it's a bit small and there isn't a lot of counter space by the sink but it could work.

I didn't have much luck with flooring.
I was looking for something with a black and white pattern and I think we are going to go with linoleum just because it's in the basement and tile might be too cold.
This is the only thing I found that I kind of liked but I don't think it's going to end up being what we go with.
I'll have to do some more searching.

I was thinking I'd like to do shiplap on the bottom half of the walls but at 13.99 for an 8 foot board, that could get really expensive.

Another toilet option with a flat side.
I know I'm going to appreciate that so much when I have to clean it.

This is kind of the look I was going for on the floor.

Tile would be too cold so maybe I could go with something solid on the floor and do this as a wall accent or something.
Food for thought.

This might be an option instead of shiplap on the walls.

I'm not normally into faux stuff like this but we could make it work.
It is just a basement bathroom after all.

I hit up Lowes and Home Depot.
Lowes seemed to have more options.
I wanted to check out some flooring stores as well but a lot of them were closed today and I kind of ran out of time.

I did stop at Winners to return a top I bought last week and I ended up finding a few cute tops and a pair of capris that I bought instead.

I'm not normally that into pattern but I do like florals and this one is nice and light for summer.

I like this soft floral pattern as well - I might have a hard time finding a bra to wear with this one.
It has skinny little straps and most of my bras have thicker straps.
I still got it though.

I like the fit of this one and I like the soft pink color.

I like the flowiness of this one and I dig the bright pink color too.
Now that I'll be going back to work at the office, I'll have to get back to dressing nicely each day instead of living in my pj's or work out clothes.

These capris were on for $20 bucks so I couldn't resist. also.......

They were size 10!
I can't believe that I fit into size 10 pants.
I don't think I've ever been this small in my adult life, not for a long, long time anyway.

Around 4:30, I met Kelly at her hotel room and we chatted for a bit.
It was so nice to catch up and it's been so long since I saw her last but we picked up right were we left off.

We headed over to the restaurant at 5:30 for supper, Kelly had made us reservations at Chop Steakhouse.

We got the waitress to take these pictures for us.
We sat there for hours just chatting and finally around 8 we left.

I could have sat and chatted with them for hours more but she had an early flight back to NS in the morning and I still had a couple hour drive back home.

I'm hoping we can meet up again when I go to NS next month.

Heard more good tunes to add to my playlist on the way home.
This is a new one.

This is an oldie but a goodie.

Another oldie but goodie.
This one reminds me of going out to the bars and dancing.

It took me about 2.5 hours to get home.
Jason was already in bed when I got there so I sat and watched some tv before heading to bed myself.

I bought trail mix today and cashews and ate a lot of them so I'm not expecting a great weigh in tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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