Sunday 18 September 2016

Wednesday Weigh In #7

Still not a good nights sleep and still not feeling any better.  Being sick sucks!

I weighed in this morning at 246.  That is down 1 lb so that was a good thing.

My breakfast, a yogurt and a glass of almond milk.  It was about all my throat could handle.  Coffee isn't even tasting good so I skipped that this morning.

My Honey made this beautiful dish of pasta from the ravioli pasta scraps.  I had a little dish full and aside from the parmesan on it that it was a bit salty it didn't really bother my throat that much.

 I didn't get my walks in and no work out either but the way that I am feeling, I didn't much care.

Fitbit Stats - This is what a sick day looks like.

Until next time, be happy!

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