Sunday 18 September 2016

Easy Friday

I was covering at reception again today and since it was Friday I thought I would keep today's Words of Wisdom light hearted.  I heard this years ago and it always makes me chuckle.

Lunch was leftover turkey burgers and last nights salad with that yummy dressing.  It was perfect.

Desert was some kiwi which I don't often buy but every time I do, I wonder why I don't get it more often because it is so good.

My Honey used to work at the same place I did and while he was there he was the proud keeper of the best candy jar in the office.  When he left, he passed the keeping of the candy jar along to me.
I take it quite seriously, having the best candy jar in the joint is quite a prestigious title!

 Today, a fellow co-worker brought in a BIG box of mini candy bars to refill the jar.  I just thought that it was so kind and thoughtful of him to do that.
  I like having the candy there for everyone to help themselves, I don't mind keeping it stocked up, it doesn't cost a huge amount to do it and it isn't like I HAVE to, it is my own choice but again, I just thought that him thinking to do that was a nice gesture.

That picture of My Honey & I was taken last year in San Francisco when we were on the boat heading over to check out Alcatraz.

We took the easy way out for supper tonight.

It was quite delicious actually!
We watched another episode of "The Get Down" before heading to bed.  I am not sure if my efforts to fend off this impending cold are working.

Fitbit Stats
OMG - I missed the Floors goal by 2 floors tonight.  What was I thinking? Why didn't I check my totals before I went to bed when this just happened to me yesterday?
Got to let it go and move on, tomorrow I will try again.

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