Sunday 18 September 2016

Sad Saturday

This morning I woke up not feeling very great.  I had quite a long bath first thing hoping it would make me feel a bit better.

Afterwards I went downstairs and got my work out in.  The schedule today was
5 min brisk walk
4 x 5 min runs with 1 min walk in between
5 min cool down.
I was just happy that I got it done.

After I headed down to the memorial service for my co-workers son.
She asked if myself along with two others girls from the office would sit by the front door to welcome folks as they arrived, which of course we did.
It was meant to be a Celebration of Life.  His uncle read a nice eulogy and then they played a slide show to music and I thought the service was very nice and touching.  It is so difficult to lose someone, especially when they are so young and it just comes out of nowhere. 
I feel for the whole family.
I didn't know him and only met him a handful of times.  He was polite and mannerly and I could just tell how much he loved his mom.  As a mother myself, I can't imagine what she is experiencing right now, how do you even begin to comfort someone?  Actually, I don't think you really can.

After the service, My Honey & I headed out of town to do a bit of shopping.  I was really starting to feel ill so I slept the whole way down.  I only went in one store and just hung out in the truck while My Honey ran errands.  I was feeling a bit better so we met some friends at the casino for supper. I ordered the chipotle chicken salad.

I had a craving for sweet potato fries so I ordered those too.  As it turned out, I was glad that I did.  The chipotle chicken ended up being too spicy for me and I couldn't eat it. 

My Honey told his buddies that he wasn't leaving the casino until he won $500.00 and he did just that!  He always shares with me which is so generous of him.  I am not a big gambler, I just bet small so that I can enjoy it longer but that means that I don't normally win big either.  I want so badly to have a big win so I can share with him one of these days.  I did ok today though and from the $20 I gambled I ended up walking away with $90 so I got to share a little bit with him today.

We didn't hang out there long as I was not feeling well.

We got home around 8pm and watched another episode of The Get Down which is growing on us.  My Honey also whipped up a Sweet Potato Pie and a Pecan Pie for supper tomorrow.  Pecan Pie is my favorite and I can't wait to indulge tomorrow.
Fitbit Stats
I missed a few of my goals today.  I didn't sleep well last night so I slept in this morning as long as I could, then we drove for an hour so I missed another hourly goal there but all in all, for how I was feeling today I am ok with todays finals.

Until next time, be happy!

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