Thursday 29 February 2024

5k Run Done (Feb.22, 2024)

Just a usual day over here, quiet and not too much going on.

Today should have been a rest day but since I pushed yesterdays workout to today, I had to run 5k.
I was feeling much better today and did manage to get it done on my lunch hour.
I ran it at a 4.5 even bumped it up to a 4.6 for the last few minutes - hey, every bit faster counts!

Happy to be done with that for the day and my training schedule is back on track.

After my workout I had a nice hot bubble bath and that was pretty much my day.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Tough Workout and Good Book (Feb.21, 2024)

I was kind of tired this morning and I normally do my workouts on my lunch hour but I just wasn't feeling up to it so decided to wait until after work.

After work I had planned on getting on the treadmill right away but that didn't happen and by the time I did get down there, I just wasn't feeling up to running.
So I decided to push my run to tomorrow but I did at least walk so that I could get my steps in.

I did a little running here and there just to get the steps in faster and I was just happy that it was over and done with for today.

One of my all time favorite movies is coming to live theater in Edmonton so I'm definitely going to look into going to see it if I can.

I spent the rest of my evening after my workout reading my new book and I ended up finishing it.
I think I would categorize is as a young adult or teen book so it was a quick read but really good.
I immediately went online and ordered the next two books in the series on Amazon.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Weigh In, New Book and New Furniture (Feb.20, 2024)

 It's Tuesday but since I missed weigh in day yesterday, I wanted to still get it done for this week (even though I knew I'd be up).

I was 209.4 lbs 

That is up a bit since last weigh in which isn't that surprising, I did have a few treats on the weekend but not too far off track and I'll get back to points tracking today.

Jason doesn't go back to work until tomorrow, he did a 21k run this morning then did some hanging out with Miss Hazel.

I got out for a walk this morning - we are expecting so colder weather later in the week so I want to take advantage of the nicer weather when I can.

I had a 30 minute easy run on the training schedule today so I knocked that out on the treadmill when I went home for my lunch.

Always feels good to get 'er done!

Jason got Freya's desk put together last night and she came over today and put it to use immediately.
She really likes it .

I picked up a new book on the weekend and started reading it after work today, I got right into it immediately and would have liked to just sit and read it all evening but I had to curl again tonight.
We had a make up to do.
It was another of those really close games which is good - keeps it interesting.

Jason cooked up a loaf of bread tonight - it has that kind of rustic look.

He was slicing it up when I got home from curling and I couldn't resist, I had to have a slice while it was still warm with some butter.
It was AHHHH-Mazing!

I ordered this new bookshelf for our hallway to put Freya's books on - just for easier access and Jason put it together for me tonight while I was curling.

It looks so good.

He just got a new record player so we thought it was a great place to put that and I think there will be some extra shelves for him to put some of his records out there as well.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Sunny Winter Morning Walk in the River Valley (Feb.19, 2024)

 Jason headed out for a run this morning.

Today was a rest day for me but I still wanted to get out and enjoy the sunshine and get some steps in so I headed out for a walk.

I went down the stairs at the vernacular then walked along the path and back over to the Walter Dale bridge.

There is a little snow around and a slight chill in the air.

But it was just beautiful out and I enjoyed my walk so much.
I did happen to cross paths with Jason, he still had a few km's to go so we both just kept going and said we'd meet back at the hotel.

I went right by Farrow so I stopped in to see if they were open - today is a holiday so I wasn't sure if the would be - luckily they were.

I got us the System of a Hashbrown and the Chef Beef which is my favorite.

The System of a Hashbrown was tasty - I really like the bun it was on.

Then this is the Chef Beef.

I think it would be even better on a bun but it is pretty darn good just as it is.

We made a couple quick stops after we ate our breakfast then we headed home.
I had a few things I wanted to do when we got there so I didn't want to be too late.

Then I also had to go curling at 7 pm.
It was a close game - they always seem to be, but we ended up losing in the end.

That's all for today until next time, be happy!

Wednesday 28 February 2024

An Extra Night in the City (Feb.18, 2024)

We had to be out of the VRBO by 11 so we basically just got up, got ready, packed up and left.

Crystal and Zepplyn headed out and so did Kody, Haylee and Eden.

Freya wanted to come with us but then I mentioned that her mom and dad were going to visit Grandma Rita and Papa Lloyd and then she wanted to go as well so we got a hold of Kody and they were still in town having lunch so we met them and dropped Freya off to them.

I have the day off tomorrow so we decided to stay in the city for another night.

We went to Homesense and found this pack of 4 Built bars for 9.99, they are 3.49 each at Walmart so that was a pretty good deal and they are my favorite kind so I got two boxes.

We stopped at a Michaels and they had a cute desk on sale so we picked one up for Freya.

We both wanted ramen so we went to Hu's Noodle Nook for lunch.

We had the karage chicken for an appetizer.

I had the Kani Ikura Don - It is so delicious.

Then I had the Tan Tan Ramen - yum yum.

We went to the mall and did a bit more shopping for the afternoon and got some steps in.
We were craving a burger for supper and wanted to try a new place but they were all super busy or far away so we decided to go to Woodshed.

The park right next to it is always lit up so prettily.

Looks like they added a stage since we were here last and there looked to be remnants of an ice sculpture in the center of it.

We got a side of the Spinach Salad.

And a side of the greens.

Then I had the Bison Burger 

Jason had the double Classic with onion rings.

Their hamburgers are always good.
We were both tired so we just headed to our hotel room for the night.
We stayed at the Marriott downtown.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Disney Experience, Millenium Place and The Bedouins (Feb.17, 2024)

Today was a rest day for me on the training schedule then tomorrow I'm supposed to run 9.6k but since we'll be heading home tomorrow and we'll need to be out of the VRBO by 11 am, I decided to do my run today.

Plus it was nice out, slightly cold but not windy and sunny so a great day for an outdoor run.

I had to stop and use the bathroom at a garage about 3k in but after that I felt great.
9.6 is so close to 10 that I figured I might as well just keep going and round the number out to 10.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

It felt so good to get a run done outside - I like the treadmill but outside is so much better.

This is the outside of the house we rented - I love it.

We had tickets to go see the Disney Experience today at 1.
Everyone else went out for some brunch while Jason and I showered then we just met them over there.
We thought we'd stop for Shawarma's on the way but we didn't have time.

They had this big giant Mickey inflatable right outside of the experience so you know we had to get pictures.

Kody, Haylee and the girls.

Jason and I - I got a new coat last night and I love it.

Freya and Zepplyn.

It was basically a room with gigantic screens on every side and they played Disney songs and showed excerpts from Disney shows.

The played 'We Don't Talk About Bruno'
There was a mom and daughter there together both dressed like Mirabel which was cute.

It was pretty cool to see it on the huge screen.

Eden was just taking it all in.

At one point all these bubbles started coming out from the center of the room which was really cool.
(You can see the Mirabel in the picture here.)

They did it while they were playing a song by Ursula so under the sea-ish - which was fitting.

I loved seeing the giant characters on screen.

Freya was getting a little bored so she stole Kody's hat and glasses to entertain herself.

Acting like dad.

They played the song from Tangled that I love - I See The Light 

Everyone was just kind of sitting around watching.

People were singing and dancing and just enjoying themselves.

Seeing all the lanterns on the big screen was so pretty.

Another shot of them.

Flynn and Rapunzel.

Then they played another of my favorites, this time from Moana "How Far I'll Go"
I didn't get to see it all though because Freya had to go to the washroom so I took her.

Then they did the bubble thing again and this time they were smoke filled.

The kids all loved it - not gonna lie - I digged it too.

It was good timing because she was getting bored.

Eden slept through most of the bubbles.

She woke up a bit at the end but was more interested in Mommy than anything else.

Finale - just taking it all in.

It finished off with fireworks (on the screen).
The whole thing lasted about an hour which was plenty long for the little ones.
A bit pricey (about 50 bucks per person) but a good experience overall.

From there we headed over to Millenium Place in Sherwood Park to take the girls all swimming.
I never take my phone in the pool with me so no pictures but we did have fun.
Jason and I pretty much kept Eden in the shallow section then Kody and Haylee took Freya in the waves and stuff with Crystal and Zepplyn.

Eden just loved the water.

Jason did get a picture of her in her baby swimsuit after we finished swimming.

Isn't it super cute?

She's always so serious looking.

The beginnings of a grin maybe?

Yup - there's a smile.
Zepplyn just loves her.

From there we went to dinner.
We were going to go to Montana's but there was an hour and a half wait so then we thought Original Joe's but same thing so we suggested the Bedouin's and luckily we could get in no problem.
Also, Kody, Haylee and Crystal are up to try pretty much anything.

Freya was getting tired and didn't want to take her coat off or eat anything.

Jason and I.

Zepplyn and Haylee.

Kody, Freya and Crystal.

I had the special shawarma platter which had both beef and chicken.
The food was good - the servings were huge, I don't think any of us finished our meals.
Then it was back to the house.
I had told Kody and Haylee they could go to a movie and we'd watch the girls but they were too tired by the time we got home.

Some more pictures of the house that Haylee took.

The Doughnut room where Kody and Haylee slept.

The Spicy Suite.

I think this is the room that Crystal and Zepplyn stayed in.

Random Art.

Old Cassettes around the mirror in the bathroom.

I think the owners created some of this art themselves.

Love it.

The Hot Suite.

Modelling the Hot Suite that nobody ended up using.

More random art.

The styling was so interesting.

Dinosaur planter.
There was lots of dinosaur themed stuff in the house too.

I did get some more snuggle time in with Eden while Jason kept the other girls busy.
The rest of us watched the making of the 'We are the World Song' from back in 1984 which was interesting.

Haylee posted some pictures that I of course had to share.

Eden - love the hair bow.

Love the smile even more.

She looks so much like Freya when she was small only a little less hair.


Freya with a messy bun.
She is such a natural beauty and she has the greatest personality - I enjoy her so much.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!