Thursday 30 January 2020

Weigh In and Too Cold! (Jan.13, 2020)

I weighed in first thing when I got to work today.
We are having a mini weight loss competition and this will be my starting weight.
We are trying something different this time.
To avoid folks losing interest, it's only going to be 4 weeks long
We'll see how it goes.
Work was super busy.
I'm heading to Calgary tomorrow for a few days for meetings so I was trying to clear everything off of my desk.
I had to curl tonight, I would have preferred to stay home, it was super cold out.

-37C when I left the rink to go home, that's just too cold!

When I got home, I packed up for my trip.
I didn't have to hop on the treadmill at all, got my steps in just between work and curling.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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