Wednesday 15 January 2020

Cats Gone Wild! (Dec.27, 2019)

We slept in late this morning, it was nice.

I discovered quite the mess when I did get up.

This had Professor Snuggles name all over it.

He was nowhere to be found.

Paddington wasn't phased a bit about the mess.
Why would he be? He's not the one who had to clean it up, haha.

There's the culprit.

We made coffee's then sat and watched another episode of The Witcher.

Had some meat pie with molasses for a snack.

Then My Honey made some soup.
It was coconut based, it was good.

We enjoyed The Witcher so much that we ended up watching all the rest of it throughout the day today.
That's about all we did and it was nice and relaxing.

I saw these gnome shirts which I liked, I want to make them as a painting.

I found a few options, I wanted to save them so I would remember.

I think these would be easy to paint.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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