Wednesday 4 April 2018

Welcome to the Family Zeke! (April 1, 2018)

I wanted to be on the road by 8 am this morning so I was up early and made myself,

you guessed it, chocolate pancakes.
I picked up Miss M and her honey Mr T was coming along too to be our navigator.
The folks she was buying the dog from live in a little town called Andrew.
I'd never been before and I wasn't entirely sure how to get there, I just knew it was a 3 hour drive.
Initially I'd planned to head to the city first because I needed to get some paint but Miss M was so excited about getting the dog that we headed there first.
We got there in almost exactly 3 hours.
We had no problems at all finding the place.

They are husky breeders so had lots of huskies around.

Very nice looking dogs.
Personally I feel that there are plenty of dogs in shelters that need homes but this was what she wanted and I support her in her decisions.
They went into the house to get the puppy and they were taking awhile but finally Mr.T came out with him.

Welcome to the family Zeke!
I was expecting the dog to be barking and excited and all over the place but he was the very opposite of that.
He was probably a bit scared and he was really quiet and just curled up on the floor in the back seat.
He never made a peep the whole time.
He is a really handsome dog and he seems to be really good tempered as well.
We left there and headed to the city.
M & T were hungry so I took them to Taco Bell in Fort Saskatchewan so they could grab a bite.
We were passing through anyway.
I knew there wouldn't really be any good options there for me so I held out until we got to the city.
Everything seemed to be open even though it was Easter Sunday and I was thankful for that.
We stopped at Lowe's so I could grab a can of paint.
Next I took my niece to PetSmart so she could get a few things and she shopped til she dropped.
Got Zeke all kinds of goodies.

Zeke and I bonded while they were in there.
I had to stop at Walmart to grab some chocolate eggs for work.
I've played Easter Bunny there for the last 10 years and I don't intend to miss this year either.
I went to Opa's for my lunch.
I got a chicken skewer, a shrimp skewer, a greek salad and a chicken pita.

I ate the skewers on the ride home then had the rest once we made it home.
The puppy was a great passenger.
I dropped them off then headed home myself - it was about 4:30 when I got home so not bad.
I didn't feel like getting into painting again so I just hung out and watched some Sister Wives until My Honey got home.
We watched a couple episodes of Diners, Drive Ins and Dives when he got home and both episodes featured places in Miami that we wished we'd known about when we were just there.
Now we will definitely have to go back!!!
I didn't stop down to the office to put out the eggs so I'll have to go in early tomorrow morning and get it done then.
Sorry that my long weekend is over but the countdown to New York City is on so that is something to look forward to.

Ok - maybe I have a strange sense of humor but I thought this was funny.

Ha ha.

OMG - this is so true.
As soon as you say it's bedtime, they come up with a million things that they need to do first.

Until next time, be happy!

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