Friday 13 April 2018

Finally, Some Hawaii Pictures (April 8, 2018)

This morning we got up, made coffee and got to work right away.
I finished off painting the ceiling beams - Yay!
I also got the window trim painted, I am just moving right along.

I went to the bedroom for a minute and came out to find this!
I guess he wanted to help me paint, figures he'd wait until I was done!

He just thought he was the King of the castle up there!
He was loving playing with the plastic too, he is such a little goofball.

He had a little trouble getting down but he managed.

I stopped to make myself a pancake for breakfast (it was yummy).

I also washed the new sheets I picked up over the weekend and got them on the bed.
They were a great buy too, $19.00 for a set of King size sheets.

They are nice sheets too.
Gotta love discount stores!

The next project on the list was the fireplace.

This is how it looked before.

We got the trim put up on the Fireplace and it took far longer than we expected.

Trying to figure out which way looked best and cutting the proper angles was challenging.
Everything just seems to take way longer than you first expect.

I love how it looks and once it gets painted, I think it is going to look awesome.

I got the new curtains put up in our room and they match really well.
Still super stoked about that awesome find.
My brother dropped by to help My Honey take out the old fireplace insert.
It was extremely heavy, I couldn't even budge it on my own.
I was so happy to have it out of the way!!
I also got the new curtain rod I picked up painted.
I couldn't find a white one like I wanted so I just got a beige one and painted it.
Right around 8:30 pm we finished up painting the trim we'd just put on the fireplace and I was in dire need of a bath so I grabbed my book and relaxed for awhile.
My Honey finished off painting one last wall while I bathed and now tomorrow we can get to work on the floor.

I think the kitties were a bit tuckered out from all that work they didn't do today, ha ha!
I am so looking forward to cleaning and getting my house back together.
Tomorrow is weigh in day and although I've been following plan, I don't feel good about it.
I don't know if it's because I did really good my last two weigh ins so I feel like it can't happen again or if it's because I am trying to prepare myself for the worst?
Either way, I am not giving up, I am going to keep going.
Eventually, even if every now and then I take a step back, there will be forward steps and I will reach my goal.

Finally the crew in Hawaii posted some pictures,
I've been anxiously awaiting to see them since they left.
Looks like they are having a great time!

My boy and his girl in front of one of the awesome Banyan trees that grow there in Hawaii.
Miss H with her family - I love that they do so many things together as a family.

Catching some rays.

Having a snack.

Having another snack.
Sister Love.

Miss H and her little sister Z making a splash.

Teaching Miss Z how to Hula dance.
What a little cutie patootie she is.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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