Tuesday 17 April 2018

Just Kicking Back (April 15, 2018)

I woke up super early but I really wanted to sleep in so I forced myself to stay in bed and try to fall back aseep.

I ended up sleeping in until 9:30 am and it felt wonderful.
I really needed it.

When I got up, I made a coffee then watched an episode of Heartland.
There have been a couple new ones that I haven't seen so that is exciting.

The one thing I really wanted to accomplish today was to get the Krazy Kolor Run Facebook page updated.
We are holding it on June 24 to raise funds for a former co-worker who recently was diagnosed with cancer.
It is coming up fast and I've been meaning to update the page for over a week now but have just been super busy.
So as soon as I finished my coffee, I went to my office, sat down at the computer and got it done.

After that, I did a few other little odd jobs that I've been wanting to do.

I bought a new, sturdier tension rod for the closet curtain but it is much thicker than the first tension rod I purchased so I had to take the curtain down, rip out the stitches and sew a larger sleeve for the rod.
I got that done.

Next I changed out the brackets for the curtain rods in the bedroom.
They didn't stick out far enough from the wall and the curtains were getting hung up on the blinds.
Got that done too.

Next I worked on putting everything back into the hall closet, it looks much cleaner and more organized than before so that is awesome.

I also got one of the corbels that I picked up yesterday painted and hung up.
This wall will be a work in progress likely for some time to come.

I also did laundry and dishes.
I made a trip to the store to pick up stuff to make supper.
I wanted to try making cheesy hash browns and since I can't find the shredded hash browns anywhere, I picked up potatoes and grated the potato myself.
I added cheddar soup, sour cream and lots of cheese and put it in the oven.

I turned out more like a dish we make back home called rapure so not what I was going for but still good.

I also made meatloaf to go with it.

Then I sat down and rented myself a movie.

The Big Sick.

Professor Snuggles curled up on my lap and kept me company while I watched it.

I was still watching it when My Honey got home.

It was an ok movie.

When My Honey got home, I got him to help me put on the new bed skirt that I found.
It is a perfect match color wise!
What an awesome find!

I was feeling better today as far as my breathing goes but I was still really tired so after My Honey and I ate, we basically went right to bed.


I saw this on Facebook today and want to try it when I go to New York.
I love fruity ice cream with all the toppings!

Ha ha - this is exactly how cats are.

A Facebook memory of Mr H in his little skinny jeans, they looked so adorable on him.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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