Monday 16 April 2018

Bargain Finds (April 14, 2018)

I woke up when My Honey left for work this morning and I could not get back to sleep.
I had shut the basement door to keep the kitties upstairs since T is afraid of them and Paddington peed on my bed, the little bugger.
I couldn't be too mad though, it was partially my fault for locking them away from their litter box.
So I had to get up and strip the bed so I could wash it all and I had to let them downstairs.

Our company got up but they didn't visit long, they have a long trip to Calgary so they pretty much got on the road right away.

After they left, mom and I headed to WCT.
I got the idea in my head that I want to make a rag rug for the living room so I wanted to go to the second hand store to look for some old flannel sheets.

I didn't find any sheets but I did find these.
I think I am going to kind of start collecting these.
One I got for $3, the other was $2.
I was thinking that it would look cool if I had a whole bunch of different ones but they were all painted the same color and displayed on the same wall.

I did find a few little things, like some pillow cases, a bed skirt (for $3) and a runner with colors to match my new color scheme in the living room.
Pretty good buys.
Makes me wish I had a second hand store closer that I could browse in more often to see what I could find.

We went to OJ's for lunch.

I was so looking forward to having my favorite of their menu items,

brussel sprouts.
The way they make them is awesome.
Crunchy and salty with some smokiness from the bacon but balanced out with the creaminess of the sauce.
I love it.

Mom had a pretty good breakfast too.

I ordered the breakfast tacos too but since I ate all the brussel sprouts, I was only able to eat one of these tacos.
I took the rest home for My Honey.

After we ate, we stopped at Walmart to pick up some things I needed.
I got a Swiffer Vacuum to do the new floors, new hardware for the curtains in my room so they sit out further than my blinds, a new tension rod for the hall closet and a new light fixture for the living room.

When we were driving home I was completely exhausted suddenly.
I couldn't wait to get home to have a nap.
When I got home, I decided to have a nice long bath instead.

When My Honey got home, I wasn't feeling very great.
I felt like I couldn't take a good deep breath.
Not sure what was up with that but I thought maybe it was due to lack of sleep.
We went to bed early and if it is still like this tomorrow, I may have to get it checked out.

My Son and His Honey posted a ton of Hawaii pictures this morning.
I loved looking through them all, I hope they don't mind if I share.

Sunshine makes everyone happy!

Looks like a delicious meal.

Showing here little sister the fishies.

Ha ha, probably not the speediest mode of transportation.

Looks like they got o check out a neat museum.

My handsome boy.

Enjoying the ocean.

Her little sister is such a cutie pie.

Love these flowers, I think the one in her hair looks great but I am pretty sure if it was in my hair that I would get tired of it quite quickly.

Miss H and her mama.

Striking a pose.
Next year, instead of pushing around her little sister, she will have her own bundle of joy to push around.


Looks like they explored some water falls.

The cute couple.

Now with the hat.

Ha ha - cutie pie.

Sister Selfie.

What a beauty she is, inside and out.

They look like they are enjoying themselves, makes me so happy.

Not sure what he is looking at here?

Catching some rays.

Uh oh, wonder if that bus driver has a license?

Silly boy.

Making friends with some locals.

How does the saying go?
One in the bush is worth two in the hand?

What about one on the head I wonder?

Not sure how cool I would have been to have birds sitting all over me.

Miss H got in on some bird action too.

Look at that view, the green against the black against the blue, just stunning.

Another sister selfie.

Aww, young and in love.
Makes my heart happy.

So happy this gorgeous soul will be my grandbaby's mama.

Makes me so happy to see him so happy.
Sure proud of this fellow right here!

I love this shot of her - she could be a model. 

Nothing makes me think of Hawaii more than this expression.

These tiki guys are so cool.

Funky duck - wonder where they met this guy at?

That grass just looks so green and lush.

This must be the "pondering" pose.

Looks like they tried some local food which was nice to see.
Wasn't sure how adventurous they would be when it comes to that but I think when you are visiting a new place, you definitely should try some of the local cuisine.

She looks like a flower child here.
It suits her.

Everyone can use a lift every now and then.

Replace Cake with Trail Mix and this describes me to a T!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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