Sunday 15 April 2018

Floor Install has Begun (April 9, 2018)

I hauled the dolly and the ladder that I borrowed back to the office this morning.
Felt good to get them out of the house, means we are coming to the tail end of this reno.

Unfortunately, it seems we are not.

Weighed in and as suspected, I was up.

251.4 lbs which means I am up 1.6 lbs.
It's hard not to let that be discouraging but I am determined to stick with it this time.

I knew My Honey was going to be moving the couch this morning so he could tear up the carpet.

I told him to give me a call to help but of course when I arrived home for lunch he had done it by himself.
He is so strong!

My Honey was hard at work pulling staples out of the sub floor and I so wished I could stay home and help him.

For lunch I warmed up a piece of chicken and some edamame beans.
Of course I added some bbq sauce and it was scrumptious.

We currently have no furniture in the living room so we ate on the floor.

It might seem weird but I really enjoy that kind of work for some reason.

My afternoon snack at the office.

When I got home after work he was still at it so I was able to help out!

Once we got all the staples out, I put another coat of paint on the fireplace and another on the blue wall.

I think it is looking pretty darn good.

Now we were ready to get to flooring.

But first we had supper, My Honey cooked up some salmon and rice and made a delicious greek salad to go with.

The kitties aren't very thrilled about the carpeted area becoming smaller and smaller and keep finding little spots of whats left to sleep on.

We have a large hole in the wall where the vent system is and had to uncover it to work so we had to banish the kitties to the basement for the evening.
Paddington was not a happy camper about the whole situation.
He scratched at the door all evening.
I felt bad about it but it was for his own good.
If he got down into the ducting, he wouldn't be able to get out.
His cat skills are a little lacking.

Everything is swept up and vacuumed up and we are ready for the next step.

My Honey got the underlay down then we started.
It was close to 9 by then but we are really anxious to get this completed and tomorrow is My Honey's last day before he goes back to work.

The first few planks were a bugger, trying to figure out a method to get them together but once we got going, it was smooth sailing.

I like how it is looking - I think it is going to be beautiful.
We worked until 11 pm then we called it a night.

We let the kitties out and Paddington let us know that he wasn't happy with us at all.
He was angrily meowing and venting his frustrations at us.
It was kind of funny.

We decided to take all the plastic covering off the fireplace to see how it looked and that turned into quite a job.
Once we got it all off, we saw that the board we put on it had split so that was disappointing but what can a person do.
My Honey figures he can fix it or we'll just live with it.
All I know is that we aren't ripping it out and starting over.

By the time we cleaned up everything it was midnight so I am going to be sleepy tomorrow!

I feel bad that I have to work tomorrow and I won't be able to help him get this done.
I will be able to help with clean up though.
My mom's two cousins are coming from Calgary on Thursday to visit her and spend the night so there will be some wild cleaning going on at my place over the next two days.

I saw this on Facebook and thought it might be an easy cake to make for an upcoming baby shower I'm going to be hosting! wink wink.

I actually went over the 10,000 step mark today.
Renovating is hard work!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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