Wednesday 4 April 2018

Easter Dinner (Mar.31, 2018)

I had a bit of a to do list of things I wanted to tackle today.

The first thing I wanted to do was sleep in.
I got up at 6:30 yesterday and couldn't get back to sleep so I wanted to really make an effort to stay in bed a little longer today.
I managed to make it 8 am which I was good with.

Ok the actual to do list:

-paint one final coat on the shelves for the closet
-make the sheppards pie for supper
-get the edges of the wall My Honey painted last night cut in
-paint at least one of the beams on the ceiling
-get the shelves put back into the closet
-get the Easter goodie bags put together for everyone

I went ahead and got a coat of paint on the shelves before I even had a coffee. I wanted them to be drying right away. 

The sooner I could get them back into the closet the better.

I made my new favorite for breakfast, Chocolate Kodiak cakes with bananas and cool whip.
Then I peeled potatoes and got them on the stove cooking.

While the potatoes were cooking, I got all the Easter candy out and started making little packages up for everyone.

Got the potatoes mashed up and added to my sheppards pie.

Got all those cheese slices on and got them into the oven.
I made two because they are my family's favorite.

Then I got back to painting.

I got a second coat on the blue wall then started in on the edging of the neighbouring walls.

And onto the beams.
OMG - they have all these little grooves in them and they are going to take me forever.
My Honey got a coat of white on this wall but it still needed to be cut in

so I got up and did that and the beam.
It's likely going to need another coat.

Also started on the wall next to it.
Then mom & I did some clean up.
I wanted there to be plenty of room because everyone was coming over for supper.

The Easter packages are all ready to go.

By that time, the shelves were dry enough to go back in the closet.

A couple of them were a really tight fit so it scratched up the paint when I put them back in and I had to do some touch up painting.
No biggie though - I wasn't going to bother to paint them but I am glad I did, I think it looks good.

Next I hopped into the tub.
I felt yucky and dirty plus I know I got my hair in the paint a few times.
I wanted to at least be presentable when my company showed up.

Dinner was meant to be for Easter and to celebrate my niece's birthday.
However, she was moving into a new place today plus she had to work so she wasn't even sure she was going to be able to make it.
She only had a very short window of time available.
I had my son, his girl and my brother come over early just in case my niece could make it.
First order of business was to try these carrot cake kisses that I found.
They were good and strangely enough, they tasted exactly like carrot cake.
It was kind of weird.
My brother and my mom.

My boy and his girl.
My niece did end up making it but she only had 20 minutes.
So we got out the cake and sang Happy Birthday to her but it was still way too hard to cut so I told here I'd bring it down to her later.
She is getting so grown up.

I hadn't given my other brother a time and I wasn't 100% sure if he was coming so we all ate and hung out for a bit.
Soon enough though, my brother, SIL and the kids came, so the first crowd moved to the living room.
There was some relaxing and playing going on.
I got the second crowd fed.

I think everyone was happy with my meal choice - I know I was, less dishes.
I even had a little bit myself.

Mr H was completely uninterested in eating.
He preferred to play with Uncle R.

and the little chick that hatched out of the egg I gave him.
The egg was meant to be put in water to hatch but Mr.H just threw it at the floor and that worked just as good, ha ha!
Miss A is not fussy at all and eats pretty much whatever she is given.
Little Mr H on the other hand is totally not into food at all.
He didn't want anything except candy.
My SIL said that he liked soup so I made him some cream of mushroom soup.

I gave him a few crackers to break up into it and boy,

he just went to town and ate it all up.
I was surprised!
Nice big chug of chocolate milk to finish it off.
Then he was allowed his Easter treats.

He's very much at the stage where he doesn't appreciate help and wants to do things by himself.
He is very determined!
My little Miss A and I.

They stayed for awhile then when they left, I ran the left over ice cream cake down to my niece.

I was feeling nice and clean from my shower at that point so I didn't really want to get back into painting again.
I made myself some tuna salad as I really hadn't eaten much today.
I made a couple slices of weight watchers bread to go with it and it is actually a meal that I've been enjoying a lot lately.

My Honey got home and he & I watched another episode of GOT.
We are just inching along with them now because we know we have a big long wait before Season 8 comes out.

It was off to bed early again for me as I am taking my niece into the city tomorrow to pick up a dog that she bought.
Miss H updated her profile picture today.I love seeing them so happy together!
Didn't we all!

That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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