Monday 2 April 2018

Day of Blue. (Mar.30, 2018)

I woke up when My Honey was leaving for work and could not get back to sleep so my first day off of this long weekend got a really early start.

I decided to try out some chaga tea this morning finally.

This is what the chaga looks like.

I just threw a chunk in a pot of water and turned it on low to let it simmer.
I guess you can just keep adding water to it and it should last for about a month or so.

It tasted like weak coffee or kind of dirty water but I didn't mind the taste.
I put it in a to go mug and sipped on it all day.

I bought two cans of paint thinking it would be plenty but I am starting to run out and we still have most of the living room to do so I am going to have to pick up another can.
Unfortunately they don't sell it here in town so I'll have to wait until I go in to the city next to pick some up.

Breakfast was a chocolate kodiak cake with bananas and cool whip.
I love this combination and better get on line to see if I can order some more of that mix asap.

After I ate, I decided to take a quick trip to WCT.
Mom had plans to go to church so I just went by myself.
I just wanted to pick up stuff for supper tomorrow and a cake for my niece (she requested a Dairy Queen ice cream cake).

I decided last minute to stop and see if I could get in for a pedicure.

Time for the orange to go.

They have cool looking tubs there for soaking your feet.

I was looking forward to the massage this morning more so than the new color.

I took me forever to pick a color, I was all over the place.
I finally settled on blue.
As soon as she was done I was kind of regretting the choice but it's fine and in a month or two I can go back and get something more summery.
I stopped at Walmart and picked up everything I needed to do supper tomorrow.
Then I stopped and picked up an ice cream cake before heading back home.
It was a quick in and out trip.

When I got home, I made myself a peanut butter crunch pancake and added chicken, sugar free syrup and siracha again.
I am totally loving these Kodiak cakes.
I just make one at a time and they are so easy and good.
Definitely need to order some more.

After I ate I got busy painting.
I got a coat of paint on the wall - I am loving this blue.
I started on the beams too - they are going to be A LOT of work.

I was still busy painting when My Honey got home.
I hadn't cooked anything so he whipped up some rice and a chicken & shrimp stir fry.
I skipped the rice and just went for the chicken and shrimp.
It was super tasty.

Saw this and it made me laugh because I always buy way too much when I go shopping hungry!!
We watched an episode of GOT before heading to bed.
I have a long list of things I need to get done tomorrow so I wanted to a good nights rest.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!


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