Tuesday 17 April 2018

It's a Girl!!! (April 16, 2018)

I had a meeting in Slave Lake today.
My boss was going to stop in and pick me up and my plan was to get to the office a little early and get a few things done before he arrived.

However, when I got there, I had a message to call him.
Turned out the meeting time was moved up so he didn't have time to come around my way and pick me up - he was heading straight there.
So I had to drive there myself which was no big deal.
I did get my weigh in done, down a little from last week so that is encouraging.
I have a pretty good feeling this number will be up next time after spending a week in New York but I can handle a couple pounds and I am going to get back to working out when we get back so hopefully it won't take long to shed.
I stopped and fueled up then got on the road.
It was extremely foggy, I could barely see the road ahead of me.
It was like that for the first 45 min of the drive.

After that it cleared up so that was good.

I got there just in time for the meeting to start.
We went over the training matrix with the foreman for that area then around 11:30 my boss, MM, and I went for lunch.

We went to Boston Pizza and I saw their Greek salad had real kalamata olives on it so I ordered it.
I was about 3/4 of the way through my meal before I realized they'd forgotten to add the olives.

MM and I chatted a bit, turns out he was a military brat and lived in Germany for a time as well.
He is living in BC now and it looks like a gorgeous spot.

When we got back to the office, he brought up the area on Google Maps and showed me.
He is halfway between Kelowna and Vernon in Lake Country and it looks just gorgeous.

I'd like to get out that way to see it some time.

After lunch, we did some one on one training with the admins there until about 3 pm then we called it a day.
I stopped at Walmart to get a little purse to use for NY then I headed home.

I picked up some trail mix and gum drops which I snacked on on the drive home.

Of course when I left, it was snowing - ENOUGH SNOW ALREADY!!!

I got home around 5 pm and immediately put in one last load of laundry.
I had some left over meat loaf for supper and I watched an episode of Heartland.

I have to get packed up tonight because I have meetings at our St Albert office tomorrow and I am getting a lift in with JRA.
Since we will be flying out tomorrow night, I am just going to stay in the city and My Honey is going to come in after he gets off work to pick me up.

We fly out at 1:10 am which means that one of us will have to get up tonight at that time to check in.
Miss H had an ultra sound today and she was going to find out the baby's gender so I gave my boy a call to see how that all went.
He said they would be dropping by which they did soon after.


He brought me some flowers,

and this beautiful card that means so much to me.

Sometimes I worry that maybe I didn't give him everything I would have liked to and I feel bad about it but he turned out to be such a caring, loving and kind human being that I am overwhelmed with pride and gratitude.
Love my boy to pieces that is for sure.
My Honey was home and we got mom to come up then they did their gender reveal for us.
(They had already done one at her mom's place with a piƱata so it was so awesome that they came over and did one for us too!)

It's a girl!!!
I am so thrilled although if it had been a boy, I would be just as thrilled.
Side Note - I am still not entirely used to this new phone so when they did the gender reveal the first time for us, I thought I was recording it all when in fact I was not.
So this was a total reenactment they did for me.
I so silly!
That means I can start picking up stuff now that is more specific.
She says she likes yellow and she wants to decorate the room with a big tree on the wall and little birds so I am going to start hunting for stuff.

Someone brought their kid to the store!
Ha ha, I saw this on Facebook and I thought it was so cute.
I mean who doesn't want a baby goat dressed in a pair of overalls?
After my son and Miss H left, I got busy packing.
I had everything ready to go so My Honey could bring it in to the city with him tomorrow when he comes to pick me up.
5 am is going to be here before I know it!
New York City tomorrow night, can't wait!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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